Donitzo / godot-simple-portal-system

A simple portal system for viewport-based portals in Godot 4.
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educational game-development gamedev godot godot-engine godot4 portal rendering

Godot Simple Portal System

Demo screenshot


A Simple Portal System for Godot 4 (and 3 with a little work). Portals hopefully need no introduction. Just think of the game Portal and you get the idea. Non-nested portals are deceptively simple to implement, and can be incredibly powerful as both a gameplay mechanic and as a convenience feature to move players around your level, or to provide countless other fun special effects.

This simple portal system is meant as an educational example on how you can create portals in Godot. Consider it a starting point, as the relevant portal code has been documented clearly.

Demo animation


In essence, portals are an illusion created by placing a virtual "exit camera" behind the exit portal. This camera replicates the main player camera's relative position to the entrance portal. As a result, both the player and the exit camera view the entrance and exit portals as if they occupy the same screen space. The visuals seen by the exit camera are rendered onto a 'viewport' in Godot (a render target), which is then overlaid on the entrance portal through a screen-space shader. This gives the impression that what's in front of the exit portal is visible through the entrance portal.

Portal theory

About the code

This repository contains a small demo project which shows the portals in action. You can move around using WASD or the arrow keys, and look around using the mouse. A raycaster will show you which crates you hit as you move the mouse cursor.

If you want to use the portals in your own project, you only need these two files:

src/shaders/portal.gdshader src/scripts/

The shader is very simple and just renders a screen-space texture and handles fade-out.

The portal script handles the creation of a viewport and virtual exit camera. In _process the exit camera position is updated according to the main camera.

In addition, the _process function handles adjusting the near clipping plane of the exit camera to find a compromise between not rendering objects behind the portal, and not cutting off the portal itself. This is done by getting the world position of the four X, Y corners of the entrance portal bounding box relative to (and scaled by) the exit camera. These corners are then projected onto the exit camera forward vector to get the near clipping distance which contain the corners within the camera frustum. The reason the entrance portal bounding box is used rather than the exit portal bounding box is because the entrance and exit meshes does not need to match each other, and you are looking through the entrance mesh, not the exit mesh.

The portal class also has functions for transforming between frames of reference and raycasting.

In addition, an example is provided on how to handle basic teleportation through portals. See the teleportation section.

About Modelling Portals

First you need to model some portal meshes, or just use a plane or a box.


Setup Instructions

Note: Portals are resource-intensive to render and consume texture memory. Disable portals that are far away from the player by using disable_viewport_distance. Furthermore, if you have many portals, consider enabling destroy_disabled_viewport to conserve texture memory, as this will destroy the viewport of disabled portals. However, this may potentially cause a small hickup when the viewport is re-created midgame.

Note: Ensure that the parent hierarchy of the portal is uniformly scaled. Non-uniform scaling in the parent hierarchy can introduce skewing effects, which may lead to unexpected or incorrect behavior of the portal. However, scaling the portal itself in a non-uniform way is okay since it is handled by the transformations.

  1. Attach the script to two MeshInstance3D nodes that represent your portal surfaces.
  2. Establish a connection between the two portals: Assign one portal to the exit_portal property of the other portal. For a one-way portal, leave one portal disconnected.
  3. Set your primary camera to the main_camera property. If left unset, the portal will default to the primary camera if one exists.
  4. Set the vertical_viewport_resolution of the viewport rendering the portal (which covers the entire screen). Set to 0 to automatically use the real screen resolution.
  5. Define the fading range for the portal using fade_out_distance_max and fade_out_distance_min. Fades to fade_out_color.
  6. Define the disable_viewport_distance for portal rendering. Put the value slightly above fade_out_distance_max to ensure the portal fades out completely before disabling itself. If you have a lot of portals it may be beneficial to enable destroy_disabled_viewport, which will free up texture memory when the portal is disabled by destroying the viewport, at the cost of the overhead of re-creating the viewport again later.
  7. Define the exit_scale to adjust the exit portal's view scale. Imagine, for instance, a large door leading to a small door.
  8. Adjust the exit_near_subtract if objects behind the exit portal get cut off. At 0 the portal exit is roughly cut at Z=0.
  9. Set exit_environment to assign a specific environment to a portal. This is important if, for instance, you want to prevent environmental effects from being applied twice.

Advanced Usage

These functions aid in transitioning between the portal entrance and exit frames of reference:

These are useful when you manipulate portal-associated objects. For instance, these functions would allow you to position a cloned spotlight at the exit portal:

clone_spotlight.global_transform = portal.real_to_exit_transform(real_spotlight.global_transform)

This code can also be used to teleport an object to the exit portal. Alternatively use real_to_exit_position if you only want to change the global position of your object.

Note: Portals currently do not nest (ie, you can't see through two portals at once). To nest portals you'd have to update the exit_camera position in-between draw calls, or figure out a way to change the camera view matrix in-between rendering viewports. That is beyond the scope of this simple system, but if you got some nice ideas how to implement these things in godot, please open an issue.

Crossing a Portal

If the player in your game has a physical shape, such as hands or a body, having these parts cross the portal surface before teleporting the player to the exit will cause them to disappear. There are several solutions to this issue:


Two teleportation scripts called and are provided with the sample scene. The simple script simply moves and orients any node, while the advanced script also handles the physics of RigidBody3D and CharacterBody3D, as well as placeholder clones. These scripts attaches to a Area3D node, which is parented to a portal node. Create a CollisionShape3D as a child node of the Area3D node. This shape should be right behind the portal, acting as a trigger to teleport objects entering the portal.

To trigger the teleportation, you need to define another Area3D with a CollisionShape3D on the object you want to teleport. Then, give it a Metadata element called teleportable_root to which you add a NodePath pointing towards the root of the composite object you want to teleport (See the Player in the sample).

PortalTeleport Area3D:

Teleportable Object Area3D:

The portals in the example scene have a buffer zone built into them. This allows the player's camera to turn around fully without clipping through the portal. If your player has a hand, you may also need to move the teleport trigger in front of the camera so that the player teleports before their hand clips through the portal.


The updated version of the teleport script also handles the physics of teleporting bodies. In addition, it also checks whether the velocity of the body is moving towards or away from the portal, and only teleports the body if it moves towards the portal. The position, orientation, linear velocity and angular velocity is then transformed into the exit portal's frame of reference.

Physics boxes

Finally, using the advanced portal script, a portal clone can be used as a placeholder of the other side of the portal. The portal clone is specified as a Metadata element called portal_clone to which you add a NodePath pointing to a visual placeholder. The placeholder doesn't need to be fully functional as long as it looks like whatever the original object is. The clone node is hidden and shown automatically as the node passes portals.

Portal clone


Raycasting through portals can be complex. To simplify this, a built-in raycasting function is provided.

Define a function with this signature, in which you do your own raycasting against non-portal objects:

func _handle_raycast(from:Vector3, dir:Vector3, segment_distance:float, recursive_distance:float, recursions:int) -> bool:

Declare a callable for your function:

var callable:Callable = Callable(self, "_handle_raycast")

Then, use the built-in raycasting function as follows:

Portal.raycast(get_tree(), from_position, direction, callable, [max_distance=INF], [max_recursions=2], [ignore_backside=true])

_handle_raycast is always invoked at least once for the original ray. The segment_distance is INF if no portal was hit, or the distance to the hit portal. The function is invoked once more each time the ray recursively passes through another portal. A ray can be prematurely interrupted if _handle_raycast returns true, or if it hits the max_recursions limit. Return true if for example the current ray segment (within segment_distance) was blocked by something.

If you want to manually raycast, you can adapt the code in the Portal.raycast function to suit your requirements. Assuming you know a ray hits the entrance portal, you can get the corresponding exit ray using:

exit_position = portal.real_to_exit_position(position)
exit_direction = portal.real_to_exit_direction(direction)

Feedback & Bug Reports

If you find any bugs or have feedback, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.