Elitezen / open-trivia-db-wrapper

A wrapper for the Open Trivia Database API. Built with TypeScript, works with VanillaJS.
MIT License
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api-wrapper game javascript library nodejs npm npm-module npm-package open-trivia-database opentdb opentdb-api quiz trivia trivia-api typescript


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open-trivia-db is a small and simple library for interacting with the OpenTDB API.

Documentation: https://github.com/Elitezen/open-trivia-db-wrapper/wiki/Documentation

Discord.JS Add On

Checkout the powerful module discord-trivia: https://github.com/Elitezen/discord-trivia


Example Code

import { getQuestions, CategoryNames, QuestionDifficulties } from "open-trivia-db";

const questions = await getQuestions({
  amount: 10,
  category: CategoryNames.Animals,
  difficulty: QuestionDifficulties.Easy,


    value: 'How many teeth does an adult rabbit have?',
    category: { id: 27, name: 'Animals', getData: [Function: getData] },
    type: 'multiple',
    difficulty: 'easy',
    correctAnswer: '28',
    incorrectAnswers: [ '30', '26', '24' ],
    allAnswers: [ '24', '28', '30', '26' ],
    checkAnswer: [Function: checkAnswer]


Getting Questions

Questions can be fetched via the getQuestions() function by supplying options such as amount, category, difficulty, type, session and encode.

type: The kind of questions, such as multiple choice ("multiple") or true/false ("boolean").

session: A session instance or session token. Learn about sessions

encode: The encoding of the questions such as base64, urlLegacy, url3968 or none which is the default.

You can apply options via their respective enums.

The result will be an array of questions.

import { 
} from "open-trivia-db";

  amount: 50,
  category: CategoryNames["Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga"],
  difficulty: QuestionDifficulties.Hard,
  type: QuestionTypes.Multiple,
  encode: QuestionEncodings.None

Getting Categories and Category Data

A category resolvable can either be a category name or id. Category id's range from 9-32 inclusive, for there are 23 categories.

To jump between resolvables, use Category.idByName() and Category.nameById().

import { Category, CategoryNames } from "open-trivia-db";

Category.idByName('Art');              // 25
Category.idByName(CategoryNames.Art);  // 25

Category.nameById(25);                 // 'Art'

Getting a Category's Data

Use Category.getCategory() to get a category's data such as name, id, and question counts.

import { Category, CategoryNames } from "open-trivia-db";

  id: 22,
  name: 'Geography',
  questionCount: { 
    total: 275, 
    easy: 80, medium: 139, hard: 56 

You can also complete a category's data through a question via Question.category.getData()

const targetQuestion = questions[0]; // from getQuestions()



A session ensures you are not supplied a question more than once throughout it's lifetime.

Initialize a session and supply the instance into getQuestions(). Make sure to await or resolve Session.start().

import { Session } from "open-trivia-db";

const mySession = new Session();
await mySession.start();

  session: mySession

getQuestions() will return an error once your session has served every single question in OpenTDB. Don't worry, there are thousands of questions! You will likely never come accross a session's end. However, if you wish to reset your session, use Session.reset().

await mySession.reset();

Documentation: https://github.com/Elitezen/open-trivia-db-wrapper/wiki/Documentation