MCP251XFD is a fully hardware independant Driver primarily aimed at embedded world
This driver only takes care of configuration and check of the internal registers and the formatting of the communication with the device. That means it does not directly take care of the physical communication, there are functions interfaces to do that. By doing this, the driver can control a MCP2517FD through a I2C to SPI converter without any change, the transformation will be done in the interface functions. Each driver's functions need a device structure that indicate with which device it must threat and communicate. Each device can have its own configuration.
This driver has been designed to:
Get and add the 4 following files to your project
Copy or rename the file Conf_MCP251XFD_Template.h
to Conf_MCP251XFD.h
... Et voila!
The Tests folder contains an example of use on the SAMV71 Xplained Ultra board
See the Main_Synchronous.c
for the hardware setup.
The Tests\UnitTest folder contains unit test for Visual Studio 2017 and are not required.
To set up one or more devices in the project, you must:
) which will be the same for all devices but modify only its behavior in the projectAll is explained in the MCP251XFD driver library guide
All is explained in the MCP251XFD driver library guide