EvanQuan / hover-wars

:video_game: Hover Wars: A combat-based driving game built with OpenGL, PhysX, and FMod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 1 forks source link
fmod game opengl physx project university

:video_game: Hover Wars

Hover Wars is a combat-based driving game supporting single player or split-screen multiplayer for up to 4 players.


You can find the most recent release here.

  1. Download the Source Code zip or tar.gz and extract it.
  2. Double-click HoverWars.exe to start the program.
  3. Have fun!



Keyboard controls are supported, although it is not recommended.

Click here to show. ##### Movement **W** - Move Forward **A** - Move Left **S** - Move Back **D** - Move Right **J** - Turn Left **L** - Turn Right ##### Dash **I** - Dash Forward **H** - Dash Left **K** - Dash Back **;** - Dash Right ##### Abilities **Space** - Rocket **Left Shift** - Trail **Left Control** - Spikes

Hover Wars supports Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 controllers. While other controller types may work, there is no guarantee they will.

Click here to show. **Left Joystick** - Move **Right Joystick** - Turn **Right Trigger** - Press to fire rocket **Right Bumper** - Hold to switch to alternate camera **Left Trigger** - Hold to activate flame trail **Left Bumper** - Press to activate spikes **X, Y, A, B** - Directional dash **D-pad** - Honk


Menu (v1.0.0)

Gameplay (v1.0.0)



Austin Eaton

Evan Quan

James Coté

Stephen Ding


OpenGL 3.2.1



GLFW 3.2.1

GLM 0.9.9


For Nerds

Click here to show. #### Compiling on Windows: **Compiled using MSVS 2017.** 1. The Libraries and Settings should all be set up in the VS project. #### Scene File Syntax Highlighting [Because colors are cool.](https://github.com/EvanQuan/vim-scene) #### Debug Commands (for Debug mode only) ##### Switching Keyboard Player **F** - Toggle Wireframe Mode **C** - Toggle Debug Camera for current player **B** - Toggle Bounding Box rendering **M** - Toggle Spatial Map Debug rendering **Left Click** - Spawns a particle Emitter at the mouse intersection with the xz-plane @ yAxis = 0 **Right Click** - Holding down Right Click and moving the mouse will allow you to adjust the camera around the vehicle