Feniel / netattacks_v1

NETA v1.0 with implemented routing attack scenarios and countermeasures under aodv
GNU General Public License v3.0
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aodv attack-defense manet simulation-framework


extended Roberto Magán's framework (https://github.com/robertomagan/neta_v1) with some of the most common attacks against routing.
In addition, defensive measures for the respective attack scenarios are also included.

For the implementation omnetpp-4.3 and inet2.1.0 is used.

Blackhole Attack
An attack similar to the sinkhole attack, but it does not exploit a routing loop, but distributes false information in the network.
Countermeasures: SAODV(Only the RREP Buffer), Fake RREQ

Flooding Attack
The network is flooded with RREQ so that normal operation is no longer possible.
Countermeasures: Policy Based Filtering, Flow Based Filtering

NETA Description

NETwork Attacks (NETA) is a framework devised to simulate attacks in heterogeneous networks using OMNeT++. NETA is aimed to be an useful tool in the network security field. This tool could make easy to demonstrate the effectiveness of defense security techniques or solutions against network attacks as well as for comparing the capabilities of different defense techniques. NETA is a INET 2.1.0 based framework. INET provides realistic implementations of structures and protocols on each protocol layers, especially in the higher ones: network, transport and application layers. For example, INET develops Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) routing protocols as AODV, DSR, OLSR, etc., and several TCP implementations as well as several applications. Thanks to the versatile and extensible schema of NETA, a huge amount attacks could be implemented in each protocol layer.

Additionally, NETA is intended to be a reference base tool for the network attacks simulation and implementation with research purposes.

NETA Installation

See INSTALL file.


All documentation can be found in the doc directory. Also you can found there the user and description manual. The additional attacks are inserted according to the scheme described there.

The defensive measures are inserted as an attribute of the manetrouting. Consequently, they must be set with bools in the simulation configurations.