FortAwesome / Font-Awesome

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Icon Request: Excel, PDF, Word, PPT and most common file types #991

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

I'd like to see Excel and PDF icons based on the basic file icon (icon-file)

LarryAzevedo commented 10 years ago

+1 for excel and PDF. They are way too important to ignore.

miguel77mex commented 10 years ago


aliaksei-lithium commented 10 years ago


gluecksmensch commented 10 years ago


thinkspill commented 10 years ago

+1 if it helps!

sergioavaldez commented 10 years ago

+1 Office Icons including PDF

conficient commented 10 years ago

+1 here as well. I was amazed there wasn't a PDF icon - I have to use an img at present

WilliamStam commented 10 years ago

im stuck using a css approach for it

will be changing it to .icon-file-pdf etc in the near future

Rigent commented 10 years ago

+1 for common file types.

There are a lot but most icon sets include the most common types as listed above by hades200082 and others. These are very common in applications and sites, far more so than a lot of the other icons included. I love FontAwesome but without these common icons it remains only a partial solution.

miguel77mex commented 10 years ago

In fact Font Awesome More used to have some of these icons. But now its web page says that Font Awesome More is now Fontstrap and those icons has disappeared.

hades200082 commented 10 years ago

Indeed. Font Awesome More / FontStrap's repository is simply a clone of Font Awesome now.

I personally don't see what the issue is with adding these icons. It can't be so hard that it takes almost half a year to get them added. I suspect that there is some other reason that these icons aren't being added that the devs don't want to tell us about.

Given how quickly other icons get added I can't imagine any excuse relating to time to implement being believable.

LarryAzevedo commented 10 years ago

I totally agree with hades200082. Adding these icons is a no-brainer and is something that should have been done a long time ago.

djb7c commented 10 years ago


ghost commented 10 years ago

Doesn't have anything to do with making the icons. It's that there are an infinite number of file types, and that seems like a pain to manage. But I'm listening and might just do it anyway

I'm seeing a huge number of website icons being added to the set- seems like these would be harder to manage than a set of commonly used file-types. Again, I'm willing to provide the icons if you'll be willing to include them.

Stefan39 commented 10 years ago


paulxtiseo commented 10 years ago

+1 for @hades200082 great and useful list.

ManuelAgustin commented 10 years ago


uscitadiemergenza commented 10 years ago

+1 on the followings Text Word Excel PowerPoint PDF Image Zip/Rar/Archive Audio Video

sergioavaldez commented 10 years ago

You can find some of these icon here

leesei commented 10 years ago


wmasterj commented 10 years ago


strichter commented 10 years ago


GermanKiwi commented 10 years ago


programming-kid commented 10 years ago

+1 for all basic icon-set like Text Word Excel PowerPoint PDF Image Zip/Rar/Archive Audio Video exe

MickeyKay commented 10 years ago

+1. Any update?

sandeepreddyponagandla commented 10 years ago


polkhovsky commented 10 years ago

Yes. Out requests are being actively ignored.


On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Mickey Kay wrote:

+1. Any update?

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aliaksei-lithium commented 10 years ago

4.0 is out but veery active issue thread ignored)

hades200082 commented 10 years ago

@davegandy said "no" 6 months ago and has ignored this issue since. I doubt it will happen which is sad since so many want it.

It's always a shame when a developer denies simple improvement requests because it normally heralds the end of a successful project.

I'd suggest anyone who wants this go to and build their own icon pack easily and then forget font-awesome as you'll no longer need it.

PangbornIdentity commented 10 years ago

@hades20082, font-awesome do anything better than fontello? I'm already screwed over by the naming change in 4.0 for backwards compatibility.

aliaksei-lithium commented 10 years ago

Yeah naming changes real break any backwards compability, so find new needed icons in 4.0 bit can't apply without real testing(big prod project). Fontello looks good, so mb move to it(awesome icons can be used)

hades200082 commented 10 years ago

@PangbornIdentity Fontello includes all the font-awesome icons plus loads ore and you can add your own too if you wish.

Then you download the whole pack and it gives you the font files and all CSS needed. Uses the icon-{name} naming style too.

randallmeeker commented 10 years ago

+1 I take heart that it is at least still open!

I can't see that has the icons being requested in this thread.

hades200082 commented 10 years ago

@randallmeeker True, but with fontello you can upload your own svg/font icons and it will allow you to add them to your customised package.

Rigent commented 10 years ago

It is a shame that fontawesome contains no document types, it's a basic necessity for many apps that deal with uploads, repositories, libraries, etc. I've been using the icomoon Ultimate pack which contains everything you could ask for, but I still prefer fontawesome's style and way of doing things bootstrappy-style.

Mixing font icons from different sets, especially ones with different base sizes, can make things look messy, or just off. Luckily the document icons are relatively generic.

arilia commented 10 years ago


glutsa commented 10 years ago


angkec commented 10 years ago

+1. Please do this. I'm always wish there was a pdf and excel icon instead of the more obscene Sina logo.

johanrunesson commented 10 years ago

I agree this would be really usefull. In most websites we create, the customer wants doctype icons for the most commond doctypes. There isn't a need for every doctype there is, just the most common (Pdf, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Image, Zip). For all other doctypes, youy just can use a default file-icon (fa-file or fa-file-text)...

angkec commented 10 years ago

Do we get an official word on when we will be having these icons or are we still in the stage of convincing the devs?

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 12:52 AM, sector5 wrote:

I agree this would be really usefull. In most websites we create, the customer wants doctype icons for the most commond doctypes. There isn't a need for every doctype there is, just the most common (Pdf, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Image, Zip). For all other doctypes, youy just can use a default file-icon (fa-file or fa-file-text)...

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hades200082 commented 10 years ago

@angkec ... As I posted further up...

@davegandy said "no" 6 months ago and has ignored this issue since. I doubt it will happen which is sad since so many want it.

It's always a shame when a developer denies simple improvement requests because it normally heralds the end of a successful project.

I'd suggest anyone who wants this go to and build their own icon pack easily and then forget font-awesome as you'll no longer need it.

angkec commented 10 years ago

Maybe we can fork this project and put the excel, word, PDF icons in it? Then we just merge further fa developments into this fork so it stays up to date.

On Friday, November 1, 2013, Lee Conlin wrote:

@angkec ... As I posted further up...

@davegandy said "no" 6 months ago and has ignored this issue since. I doubt it will happen which is sad since so many want it.

It's always a shame when a developer denies simple improvement requests because it normally heralds the end of a successful project.

I'd suggest anyone who wants this go to and build their own icon pack easily and then forget font-awesome as you'll no longer need it.

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randallmeeker commented 10 years ago

@hades200082 having predicted the demise of font awesome and since you are pushing fontello, then I'm not sure why your still here. The thing about the internet and how these forums work is that these comments will always be there for people to see, no real reason to repeat yourself verbatim. I think that is called spam.

@hades200082 Why use Fontello since they don't have the icons were asking for? If we would need to create them anyway for fontello, why would not simply fork this repo? Create a pull request?

randallmeeker commented 10 years ago

@angkec +1 my thoughts exactly, beat me to it!

tagliala commented 10 years ago

IMHO this issue is far from being simple and I suppose @davegandy is concerned about the huge number of icons this could bring in.

E.g: the request was opened for .xls and .pdf. Then word and .ppt came in. Then text, image, archive. Then audio, Then video...

I'm wondering why .csv is missing. After .csv, I can imagine .psd, .ai, .odt, .html, .css, .js, .xml, .json...


At the moment I'm writing, this is the most requested "feature", followed by #171


Maybe one of the next release will be focused on file types

PS: please be always nice with requests and comments

tagliala commented 10 years ago

@randallmeeker a fork is the only way at the moment because dave is not accepting pull request containing icons.

You may ask: "is this really open source?"

This is one of the limitations of FontAwesome and it's mostly due to the binary nature of the font files.

Moreover, icons should be consistent among each other and pixel perfect at 14px. AFAIR dave was not satisfied with the final result of some icons

Another limitation is that there isn't a proper way to subset icons without recurring to icomoon/fontello

randallmeeker commented 10 years ago

@tagliala things that make you go hmmmmmm

angkec commented 10 years ago

If we ask the feature requests to all provide the desired icon then the maintainer will probably have an easier time accepting those requests. I will probably try to fork this project this weekend and have a designer to come up with some icons as I'm in a desperate need for excel, PDF icons.

On Friday, November 1, 2013, Geremia Taglialatela wrote:

IMHO this issue is far from being simple and I suppose @davegandy concerned about the huge number of icons this could bring in.

E.g: the request was opened for .xls and .pdf. Then word and .ppt came in. Then text, image, archive. Then audio, Then video...

I'm wondering why .csv is missing. After .csv, I can imagine .psd, .ai, .odt, .html, .css, .js, .xml, .json...


At the moment I'm writing, this is the most requested "feature", followed by #171


  • FA 3.2.0 was focused on brands and internationalization...
  • FA 4.0.0 on better stylesheets and compatibility with other frameworks (it's a major because it breaks backward compatibility)...

Maybe one of the next release will be focused on file types

PS: please be always nice with requests and comments

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Rigent commented 10 years ago

I don't mind if the designer doesn't want to make these icons, it's totally up to them of course, but the argument made by some that it's opening a can of never ending worms doesn't hold water. Almost every general use iconset includes the 'essential' document/file types. Fontawesome is unusual in that it doesn't.

There is a subset of 5-7 icons that are usually included in sets (and listed several times in this thread) that would satisfy pretty much everyone requesting them here. No need to go beyond that.

There are already icons that can be used for audio, video, text, and image references.

paulxtiseo commented 10 years ago

@tagliala: This may seem rude, but there is no better word: lame. Your reason looks very much like an excuse to me, and a lame one at that. There are 48 "brand" icons for obscure and semi-obscure 2.0 websites in this set, but none of the icons common to so many other open sets or to the majority of users and what they do in web apps.

I am left with nothing but conspiracy theories as to why icons for big companies like Adobe and Microsoft are out when other lesser (and useless) known sites are in. Also, given the early refusal, but now the lengthy line of +1s, I wonder if refusal is simply to save face? Whatever the reason, it reflects poorly on the project...