To view our site and see your contributions, visit
Install dependencies
# or
yarn install
Husky setup (only once)
yarn prepare
Run dev mode
yarn dev
Build the app
yarn build
Generate component/page
yarn plop
If you use VSCode, you can find the recommended extensions in .vscode/extensions.json
Any contributions to this repo must follow our code formatting and linting rules. The easiest way is to use the Prettier extension for your code editor. Most of the members use VS Code but you're welcome to use other editors. Pull requests that don't follow Prettier's linting rules will not be merged.
Collaborators should contribute by making a new branch instead of forking this repo. This makes it easier for you and others to compare different branches within the same repo. When you're done making changes, submit a pull request to the Free-Code-Camp-Seoul repo.
Any contributions to this repo must follow our code formatting and linting rules. The easiest way is to use the Prettier extension for your code editor. Most of the members use VS Code but you're welcome to use other editors. Pull requests that don't follow Prettier's linting rules will not be merged.