GMLambda / Lambda

Half-Life 2 series Co-Op Gamemode
MIT License
78 stars 13 forks source link
cooperative garrysmod garrysmod-gamemode glua half-life-2 lua


Have you ever wanted to play the Half-Life 2 series with your friends online? Then Lambda is exactly what you are looking for. Lambda aims to provide seamless multiplayer support for the Half-Life 2 campaign maps, as well as user-created campaigns.


Supported Games

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2: Episode 1

Half-Life 2: Episode 2

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 1/Source

Campaign/Story Creation

This is currently a work-in-progress, but will be documented soon. Here are the current specifications:

  1. Whatever Half-Life 2 uses already works
  2. For transition support, your map must have an info_landmark, trigger_transition, and trigger_changelevel. Check out the Valve Developer Wiki for more information
  3. Information about round setup and other basic rules

This is the Lambda code repository, for more information you can use following links:

Steam Workshop