GSG-G7 / mental-snapp
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css firebase firebase-auth html5 reactjs

Mental Snapp

Netlify Status

tags:Mental-Snapp Web App Startup

Summary :pencil:

Mental Snapp is a mobile-first web application which allows people in general and women in particular to write down about their feelings or life through answering a set of questions.

Challenge :warning:

Users need a way to connect to their feelings so that they can accept themselves and feel confident that they can manage their lives.

Solution :bulb:

Mental Snapp supports users in developing an active self awareness so that they can reframe negative moods into positive ones and as a result they can move from victims to someones who are in control.

Our App Figma Design:

Here where you can find Our Figma Prototype

figma design photo

User Stories :books:

"As a user I want to be able to ...:"

The MVP! :sparkles:

Look at this short video that shows the functionality of the app:


The App Setup :question:

Set up the app locally

First clone this repo: git clone

then run npm i to install the dependencies for the app.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are where we store our firebase configuration.

Create a .env file and add the following variables:


Look here to get more info about how we store the database using firebase, and to get the project configuration which you can put in the . env file.

Run the App

You can now start the app! In your terminal write:

npm start

To Be Continued ... :star2:

The Stretch Goals:

Technologies :computer:

Core other
HTML eslint
CSS nodemon
antd axios

Team Members