This repo contains a reference implementations for video analytics solutions by using Dataflow & Video AI. The goal is to provide an easy to use end to end solution to process large scale unstructured video data by bringing multiple data streams together to drive insight using Video AI.
Many customers across various industries are producing large volumes of unstructured data and are looking for easy to use streaming solutions to analyze in near real time. For example, alarm monitoring companies want to augment motion sensor data with the analysis of video clips (and, eventually, live video feeds) to determine if a dispatch of a security team to a customer’s premises is justified and therefore reduce the false positive rate that drives the costs of their operations up. This section of this repo highlights how you can use this pipeline to detect objects in large scale video clips and customize the Json response for downstream systems to consume.
For testing purpose, we use this dataset from Kaggle collected from drone video clips.
Solution assumes video clips are uploaded and stored in a GCS bucket and a metadata notification is sent out to a PubSub topic.
Dataflow pipeline process the video files in micro batch and based on the list of features passed as pipeline argument.
Dataflow pipeline uses the list of entities and confidence score to filter the Video Intelligence API response and output to following sinks:
gcloud services enable
export DATAFLOW_TEMPLATE_BUCKET=${PROJECT}_dataflow_template_config
gsutil mb -c standard -l ${REGION} gs://${VIDEO_CLIPS_BUCKET}
gsutil mb -c standard -l ${REGION} gs://${DATAFLOW_TEMPLATE_BUCKET}
export GCS_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC="gcs-notification-topic"
export GCS_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION="gcs-notification-subscription"
export OBJECT_DETECTION_TOPIC="object-detection-topic"
export OBJECT_DETECTION_SUBSCRIPTION="object-detection-subscription"
export ERROR_TOPIC="object-detection-error-topic"
export ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION="object-detection-error-subscription"
gcloud pubsub topics create ${GCS_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create ${GCS_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION} --topic=${GCS_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub topics create ${OBJECT_DETECTION_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create ${OBJECT_DETECTION_SUBSCRIPTION} --topic=${OBJECT_DETECTION_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub topics create ${ERROR_TOPIC}
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create ${ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION} --topic=${ERROR_TOPIC}
export BIGQUERY_DATASET="video_analytics"
bq mk -d --location=US ${BIGQUERY_DATASET}
bq mk -t \
--schema src/main/resources/table_schema.json \
--description "object_tracking_data" \
gradle spotlessApply
gradle build
This configuration is defaulted to 1
gradle run -Pargs="
--project=${PROJECT} --region=${REGION}
--runner=DataflowRunner --streaming --enableStreamingEngine
--autoscalingAlgorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED --numWorkers=3 --maxNumWorkers=5 --workerMachineType=n1-highmem-4
--features=OBJECT_TRACKING --entities=cat --confidenceThreshold=0.9 --windowInterval=1
gradle jib${PROJECT}/dataflow-video-analytics:latest
cat << EOF | gsutil cp - gs://${DATAFLOW_TEMPLATE_BUCKET}/dynamic_template_video_analytics.json
"image": "${PROJECT}/dataflow-video-analytics:latest",
"sdk_info": {"language": "JAVA"}
gcloud beta dataflow flex-template run "video-object-tracking" \
--project=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--template-file-gcs-location=gs://${DATAFLOW_TEMPLATE_BUCKET}/dynamic_template_video_analytics.json \
Validate the pipeline is running from the Dataflow console
Enable GCS metadata notification for the PubSub and copy sample data to your bucket.
gsutil notification create -t ${GCS_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC} -f json gs://${VIDEO_CLIPS_BUCKET}
gsutil -m cp "gs://df-video-analytics-drone-dataset/*" gs://${VIDEO_CLIPS_BUCKET}
Please validate if pipeline has successfully processed the data by looking the elements count in the write transform.
Pipeline uses a nested table in BigQuery to store the API response and also publishes a customized json message to a PubSub topic so that downstream applications can consume it in near real time. This reference implementation shows how you can customize the standard Json response received from Video intelligence API by using Row/Schema and built in Beam transform like ToJson and Filter by column name.
SELECT gcsUri, entity
FROM `video_analytics.object_tracking_analysis`
WHERE entity like 'person'
GROUP by gcsUri, entity
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull ${OBJECT_DETECTION_SUBSCRIPTION} --auto-ack --limit 1 --project ${PROJECT}
"processing_timestamp":"2020-06-25 13:50:14.964000",
"processing_timestamp":"2020-06-25 13:50:15.270000",
"processing_timestamp":"2020-06-25 13:50:15.273000",
"processing_timestamp":"2020-06-25 13:50:15.275000",
"processing_timestamp":"2020-06-25 13:50:15.276000",