Guillem96 / data2vec-vision

PyTorch implementation of Data2Vec self-supervised approach for vision use cases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data2Vec - Vision

Non official PyTorch implementation of the Self-supervision framework described in the data2vec: A General Framework for Self-supervised Learning in Speech, Vision and Language paper.

At the time writing this, the FAIR team has not yet published an official implementation of the data2vec framework for vision (hence not pre-trained weights).

Data2Vec overview

Example 🖼

import data2vec_vision as d2v
import torchvision.transforms as T

tfms = T.Compose([
    T.Resize((224, 224)),
    T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),

model = dv2.Data2Vec.from_pretained("...")

url = ""
im =, stream=True).raw)
im_tensor = tfms(im).unsqueeze(0)

features, hidden_states = model(im_tensor)

Training the model

Launch the following command.

$ python -m data2vec_vision train --help

  --image-size INTEGER            Initial image size, before splitting it into

  --patch-size INTEGER            Images will be splitted in patches of this

  --epochs INTEGER                Number of training epochs.
  --batch-size INTEGER            Training batch size.
  --n-encoders INTEGER            ViT model number of encoders.
  --dropout FLOAT                 Encoder layers dropout rate
  --hidden-dim INTEGER            ViT hidden number of dimensions.
  --mask-erase-pct FLOAT          Percentage of the image to delete.
  --max-lr FLOAT                  One cycle lr scheduler max learning rate.
  --k INTEGER                     Number of top hidden states to regress.
  --grad-accum INTEGER            Gradient accumulation steps.
  --beta FLOAT                    L1 smooth loss beta.
  --tau-initial FLOAT             Teacher model EMA minimum update factor.
  --tau-end FLOAT                 Teacher model EMA maximum update factor.
  --tau-increase-pct FLOAT        Teacher model EMA factor will increase till
                                  `tau-increase-pct` * `epochs` then will stay

  --checkpoint-out-dir DIRECTORY
  --resume-checkpoint FILE
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Every 10 epochs, the script will generate a file containing the pretrained model with the name student_{epoch}.pt (under the --checkpoint-out-dir), as well as a checkpoint to resume the training at the left point in time (use the --resume-checkpoint option to resume the training).

If you later want to use the model for feature extraction you can load it as follows:

import data2vec_vision as d2v

image = ...

model = d2v.Data2Vec.from_pretrained("")
features, _ = model(image)  # Features shape: [BATCH, SEQUENCE, FEATURES]

Disclaimer âš 

This work might be useful for people looking for a stable implementation of data2vec under the umbrella of vision paradigm.

I won't be providing pretrained weights of the model because and don't have the time nor the money to launch a large scale training.

I've tested this model on small datasets (~10k images) and the results are promising, even when running one shot tasks without any fine-tuning.