HackTJ / 2021

The source code for HackTJ 8.0's website.
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bootstrap create-react-app create-react-app-typescript hacktj react react-router react-typescript reactstrap typescript

HackTJ 8.0


The website for HackTJ 8.0.



We use React.

Creating a New Event Website

git clone git@github.com:HackTJ/2021.git 2022 && cd 2022/
yarn install
git reset "$(git commit-tree HEAD^"{tree}" -m "Push HackTJ 8.0 website" -m "$(yarn run git-history-coauthors)")"  # squash all commits into 1
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:HackTJ/2022.git
git push


In the case that one of the endpoints (/2021 or /) doesn't work but the other does, immediately set up a hardcoded redirect in the nonfunctional repository to redirect to the correct site.

To test a production build locally:

  1. yarn run switch homepage
  2. yarn run build
  3. yarn serve build

To deploy a change:

  1. yarn run start
  2. make your changes; when you're done, close the development server
  3. yarn run lint
  4. git add . && git commit
  5. yarn run deploy event; make sure the deployed site looks good
  6. yarn run deploy homepage; make sure the deployed site looks good
  7. git push

Notes for next year