Harvard-Neutrino / SIREN

Injection and weighting framework for BSM interactions with complex topologies and geometric concerns
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
6 stars 5 forks source link
cpp neutrino python simulation



SIREN (Sampling and Injection for Rare EveNts) is a framework for injecting and weighting interaction final states of complex topology, with specific concern for the detector geometry. SIREN is designed to support a wide variety of neutrino experimental setups, including atmospheric neutrinos, accelerator beam decay-in-flight neutrinos, and neutrinos from decay-at-rest sources. SIREN grew out of LeptonInjector, a neutrino injection code developed within the IceCube collaboration to study atmospheric and astrophysical neutrino interactions in the IceCube detector.

SIREN provides a generic interface for user-defined BSM processes (and includes several pre-defined processes). It also supports generation of any number of secondary processes, e.g. the decay of a BSM particle after it has been created by an initial process. SIREN also includes detector geometry definitions for a number of existing HEP experiments, although contributions are always appreciated!

Python installation of SIREN

SIREN is distributed on pypi as siren, and can be installed via pip with:

pip install siren

For development of SIREN as a python project, simply clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Harvard-Neutrino/SIREN.git

and run the following command to build and install SIREN:

pip install . --config-settings='build-dir=build'

After the python bindings are installed, you should be able to import the siren python library. Open a python interpreter by running python, and then run

import siren

To use SIREN, you will

  1. Define a primary process and a list of secondary processes by specifying a particle type and which interactions (cross sections or decays) each particle can undergo

  2. For each (primary or secondary) process, define a set of distributions from which to sample when injecting that particle (e.g. energy, position, direction)

  3. Combine this information to define an InjectorBase object

  4. Generate interaction trees using the InjectorBase object

  5. Create a TreeWeighter object using a list of primary and secondary physical processes

  6. Calculate the event weight for each interaction tree using the TreeWeighter object

For an example of this in action, see resources/DipoleInjection/inject_HNLs_CCM.{py,ipynb}


For local installations, you need the following:

For building py-bindings,

Included External Dependencies

These are not ostensibly a part of SIREN, but are included automatically as submodules for its functionality.

C++ installation of SIREN

To use SIREN in a C++ project, there are a few more steps.

We will be trying to keep our source, build, and install directories separate. To this end, these instructions will assume the following directory structure:

| local (for installing built libraries, headers, and binaries)
|  --lib
|  --include
|  --bin
| source (source code for SIREN and other dependencies)
|  --SIREN
|     --build (for building SIREN)
|  --(SIREN dependencies...)

git clone git@github.com:Harvard-Neutrino/SIREN.git


git clone https://github.com/Harvard-Neutrino/SIREN.git

to download the source code. To download the submodules, run

git submodule update --init

Now cd SIREN/build to get to the build directory. We call cmake

cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../local

This tells cmake to install the shared objects in the local directory. CMake prepares a Makefile which calls the g++ compiler with the necessary instructions to compile. So now you'll call

make -j4 && make install

to build the project and install the project. Now you need to set all the environmental variables so this actually works. We recommend putting the followig commands into a env.sh script that can load the environment.

export PROJECTSPACE=/path/to/parent/directory
# On linux:
# On mac:

Now you should be good to go!

Making Contributions

If you would like to make contributions to this project, please create a branch off of the main branch and name it something following the template: $YourLastName/$YourSubProject. Work on this branch until you have made the changes you wished to see and your branch is stable. Then, pull from main, and create a pull request to merge your branch back into main.