IFRCGo / go-web-app

GO Web application! GO is a Red Cross Red Crescent platform to connect information on emergency needs with the right response.
MIT License
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ifrc react typescript vite

## IFRC GO [IFRC GO](https://go.ifrc.org/) is the platform of the Red Cross Red Crescent, aimed at connecting crucial information on emergency needs with the appropriate response. This repository houses the frontend source code for the application, developed using [React](https://react.dev/), [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/), and associated technologies. ## Built with [![React][react-shields]][react-url] [![Vite][vite-shields]][vite-url] [![Typescript][typescript-shields]][typescript-url] ## Getting started Below are the steps to guide you through preparing your local environment for the IFRC GO Web application development. The repository is set up as a [monorepo](https://monorepo.tools/). The app directory houses the application code, while the packages directory contains related packages, including the [IFRC GO UI](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ifrc-go/ui) components library. Please review the [Contribution Guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md) and [Collaboration Guidelines](./COLLABORATING.md) to gain a deeper understanding of the repository's structure. ### Prerequisites To begin, ensure you have network access. Then, you'll need the following: 1. [Git](https://git-scm.com/) 2. [Node.JS](https://nodejs.org/en/) version >=18 / 20+ 3. [Yarn 1](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/) 4. Alternatively, you can use [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) to build the application. ### Local development 1. Clone the repository using HTTPS, SSH, or Github CLI ```bash git clone https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app.git #HTTPS git clone git@github.com:IFRCGo/go-web-app.git #SSH gh repo clone IFRCGo/go-web-app #Github CLI ``` 2. Install the dependencies ```bash yarn install ``` 3. Copy `app/.env.example` to `app/.env` and update the variables ```bash cp app/.env.example app/.env ``` 4. Start the development server ```bash yarn start:app ``` ## Contributing Have a look through existing [Issues](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/issues) and [Pull Requests](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/pulls) that you could help with. If you'd like to request a feature or report a bug, please [create a GitHub Issue](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/issues/new/choose) using one of the templates provided. [See contribution guide →](./CONTRIBUTING.md) [See collaboration guide →](./COLLABORATING.md) ## Additional packages The repository hosts multiple packages under `packages` directory. 1. [IFRC GO UI](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/tree/develop/packages/ui) is a React UI components library tailored to meet the specific requirements of the IFRC GO community and its associated projects. 2. [IFRC GO UI Storybook](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/tree/develop/packages/go-ui-storybook) serves as the comprehensive showcase for the components library. ## IFRC GO backend The backend that serves the frontend application is maintained in a separate [repository](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-api/). ## Previous repository [Go Frontend](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-frontend) is the previous version of the project which contains the original codebase and project history. ## Community & support - Visit the [IFRC GO Wiki](https://go-wiki.ifrc.org/) for documentation of the IFRC GO platform. - Create [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/issues) for bug reports and feature requests. - Tweet at [@ifrcgo](https://twitter.com/ifrcgo) on Twitter. - Stay informed about the latest project updates at [Medium](https://ifrcgoproject.medium.com/). ## License [MIT](https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-web-app/blob/develop/LICENSE) [react-shields]: https://img.shields.io/badge/react-%2320232a.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=react&logoColor=%2361DAFB [react-url]: https://reactjs.org/ [vite-shields]: https://img.shields.io/badge/vite-%23646CFF.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=vite&logoColor=white [vite-url]: https://vitejs.dev/ [typescript-shields]: https://img.shields.io/badge/typescript-%23007ACC.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=typescript&logoColor=white [typescript-url]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/