IPIF / prosopogrAPhI

Tentative way towards a shared API for prosopographical data based on the factoid model (Bradley/Short 2005)
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digitalhumanities prosopography

International Prosopographical Interchange Framework (IPIF)

This is a draft for an RESTful API for prosopographical data.

It should allow you to search for factoid modeled data on persons extracted from historical sources, and to update resources based on the model. With "factoid" model we refer to Bradley/Short 2005. See for an ontology of the factoid model: https://github.com/johnBradley501/FPO

At one day or the other it will be available at http://prosopography.org

Initiated by Georg Vogeler (Graz University, georg.vogler@uni-graz.at), but developed by the collective intelligence of the following persons:

Started in 2016 in a workshop at Vienna University. Substantially enhanced during the prosopography hackathon 2019 February (Vienna).

The major file in this is the swagger description of the proposed API (prosopogrAPhI.yaml). The rationale.md gives you some background to it.

The wiki contains some proof of concept implementations.

See Vogeler, Georg; Vasold, Gunter; Schlögl, Matthias. "Von IIIF zu IPIF? Ein Vorschlag für den Datenaustausch über Personen". In: Sahle, Patrick (Hg.): DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Konferenzabstracts. Frankfurt / Mainz. DHd. 2019 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2600812. pp. 239-241. (Slides of the presentation)

Georg Vogeler, Gunter Vasold, Matthias Schlögl. "Data exchange in practice: Towards a prosopographical API". BD2019, ed. by Angel Daza; Antske Fokkens; Petya Osenova; Kiril Simov; Alexander Popov; Paul Arthur; Thierry Declerck; Ronald Sluijter; Serge ter Braake; Eveline Wandl-Vogt. CEUR Workshop series 3152. 2022, 40-48 (preprint)

Matthias Schlögl, Georg Vogeler, Gunter Vasold, Richard Hadden. "IPIF - pragmatic modelling decisions", presentation at the Data for History Conference, Berlin, 9.6.2021, https://d4h2020.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/Schlo_gl_Vogeler_Vasold_IPIF_2.pdf

Vogeler, Georg, Hadden, Richard, Schlögl, Matthias, & Vasold, Gunter. (2022, March 7). Prosopographische Interoperabilität (IPIF) - Stand der Entwicklungen. DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2022), Potsdam. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6328211

Hadden, Richard, Matthias Schlögl, Georg Vogeler. Towards a prosopographical ecosystem: modelling, design, and implementation issues. In: Yifan Wang et al. (Eds.): Digital Humanities 2022 : Conference AbstractsThe University of Tokyo, Japan, 25-29 July 2022. ADHO. 2022. 472-473