IoT-BA / project_noe-gateway

project Noe, hardware list and software stack for IoT Gateway
MIT License
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gateways internet-of-things lorawan

project Noe, Gateway

Software stack for project_noe gateways


  1. Flash SD card with RASPBIAN JESSIE LITE, guide can be found here

  2. Connect to Raspberry PI zero using SSH - username: pi password: raspberry

    YOU SHOULD CHANGE PASSWORD FOR pi USER or create another user and disable ssh for pi

  3. Run the following command to enable SPI interface:

    sudo raspi-config
  4. Enable SPI

raspi-config->Interfacing Options raspi-config->Interfacing Options->SPI raspi-config->Interfacing Options->SPI->Enable

  1. Update and upgrade through apt-get

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  2. To apply changins RPi needs to reboot

    sudo reboot
  3. Login to RPi again with new password which you set for pi user

  4. Install git with apt-get

    sudo apt-get install git -y
  5. Install docker

    sudo curl -sSL | sh
  6. Install docker-compose

    sudo pip install docker-compose
  7. Select directory where software for project_noe should reside

    cd /opt
  8. Clone project_noe gateway repository

    sudo git clone
  9. Descend to project_noe-gateway directory

    cd project_noe-gateway
  10. Change VALUES for ###GATEWAY_ID###, ###MQTT_USER###, ###MQTT_PASS### for values which were provided for you during gateway registration

  11. Run docker-compose which will run dockerized gateway stack

    docker-compose up --build --force-recreate -d --remove-orphans