Jacknq / vue-ts-ex

Vue2+ + TypeScript2+ example All-in vue typescript example with single file component, hot reload, bootstrap 4, webpack , express server, local storage, vuex , router, pre-compiled templates all out of the box! Using official typescript component `vue-class-component`
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bootstrap bootstrap-4 typescript vue vuejs2


Vue2+ + TypeScript2+ example

All-in vue typescript example with single file component, hot reload, bootstrap 4, webpack , express server, bootstrap, multiselect with search, local storage, router, pre-compiled templates all out of the box! Lets Rock!

Based on official templates in js ported to ts: https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack

Using official typescript component vue-class-component

Visual Studio integration

VS Code - vetur plugin for vue files, optionaly C# extension
VS2017 - node js window present but better with NPM task runner extension
VS2015 - It is highly recommended that the following extensions are installed

Starting a new project? Great! Start with :

http://cli.vuejs.org/ try Vue UI with typescript option.


Build Setup

install node js https://nodejs.org/en/

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.