A package to use Jags (as an external program) from Julia. Jags.jl has been moved to JagsJulia.
For more info on Jags, please go to http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net.
Warning: I have seen many cases where the Jags binary simply hangs. This happens
immediatiately after the line "Executing n
command(s), each with m
chain(s) took:".
MCMCChains v 4.0 which can introduce breaking changes in handling of Chains. If this is a problem, please force usage of Jags@3.0.1.The two most important features introduced in version 0.1.0 are:
This version of the Jags.jl package assumes that:
To test and run the examples:
julia > Pkg.test("Jags")
As in the Jags.jl setting, the Jags program consumes and produces files in a 'tmp' subdirectory of the current directory, it is useful to control the current working directory and restore the original directory at the end of the script.
using Jags
ProjDir = dirname(@__FILE__)
Variable line
holds the model which will be writtten to a file named $(model.name).bugs
in the 'tmp' subdirectory. The value of model.name is set later on, see the call to Jagsmodel() below.
line = "
model {
for (i in 1:n) {
mu[i] <- alpha + beta*(x[i] - x.bar);
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau);
x.bar <- mean(x[]);
alpha ~ dnorm(0.0,1.0E-4);
beta ~ dnorm(0.0,1.0E-4);
tau ~ dgamma(1.0E-3,1.0E-3);
sigma <- 1.0/sqrt(tau);
Next, define which variables should be monitored (if => true).
monitors = (String => Bool)[
"alpha" => true,
"beta" => true,
"tau" => true,
"sigma" => true,
The next step is to create and initialize a Jagsmodel:
jagsmodel = Jagsmodel(
#ncommands=1, nchains=4,
#deviance=true, dic=true, popt=true,
println("\nJagsmodel that will be used:")
jagsmodel |> display
Notice that by default a single command with 4 chains is created. It is possible to run each of the 4 chains in a separate process which has advantages. Using the Bones example as a testcase, on my machine running 1 command simulating a single chain takes 6 seconds, 4 (parallel) commands each simulating 1 chain takes about 9 seconds and a single command simulating 4 chains takes about 25 seconds. Of course this is dependent on the number of available cores and assumes the drawing of samples takes a reasonable chunk of time vs. running a command in a new shell.
Running chains in separate commands does need additional data to be passed in through the initialization data and is demonstrated in Examples/Line2. Some more details are given below.
If nchains is set to 1, this is updated in Jagsmodel() if dic and/or popt is requested. Jags needs minimally 2 chains to compute those.
The input data for the line example is in below data dictionary:
data = Dict(
"x" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"y" => [1, 3, 3, 3, 5],
"n" => 5
println("Input observed data dictionary:")
data |> display
Next define an array of dictionaries with initial values for parameters. If the array of dictionaries has not enough elements, the elements will be recycled for chains/commands:
inits = [
Dict("alpha" => 0,"beta" => 0,"tau" => 1),
Dict("alpha" => 1,"beta" => 2,"tau" => 1),
Dict("alpha" => 3,"beta" => 3,"tau" => 2),
Dict("alpha" => 5,"beta" => 2,"tau" => 5)
#### Note: Multiple init sets is the best option to get independent chains.
println("\nInput initial values dictionary:")
inits |> display
Run the mcmc simulation, passing in the model, the data, the initial values and the working directory. If 'inits' is a single dictionary, it needs to be passed in as '[inits]', see the Bones example.
sim = jags(jagsmodel, data, inits, ProjDir)
Jags.jl really only consists of 2 functions, Jagsmodel() and jags().
Jagsmodel() is used to define and set up the basic structure to run a simulation. The full signature of Jagsmodel() is:
function Jagsmodel(;
All arguments are keyword arguments and have default values, although usually at least the name and model arguments will be provided.
After a Jagsmodel has been created, the workhorse function jags() is called to run the simulation, passing in the Jagsmodel, the data and the initialization for the chains.
As Jags needs quite a few input files and produces several output files, these are all stored in a subdirectory of the working directory, typically called 'tmp'.
The full signature of jags() is:
function jags(
data::Dict{String, Any}=Dict{String, Any}(),
init::Array{Dict{String, Any}, 1} = Dict{String, Any}[],
All parameters to compile and run the Jags script are implicitly passed in through the model argument.
The Line2 example shows how to run multiple Jags simulations in parallel. The most simple case, e.g. 4 commands, each with a single chain, can be initialized with an 'inits' like shown below:
inits = [
Dict("alpha" => 0,"beta" => 0,"tau" => 1,".RNG.name" => "base::Wichmann-Hill"),
Dict("alpha" => 1,"beta" => 2,"tau" => 1,".RNG.name" => "base::Marsaglia-Multicarry"),
Dict("alpha" => 3,"beta" => 3,"tau" => 2,".RNG.name" => "base::Super-Duper"),
Dict("alpha" => 5,"beta" => 2,"tau" => 5,".RNG.name" => "base::Mersenne-Twister")
The first entry in the 'inits' array will be passed into the first chain in the first command process, the second entry to the second process, etc. A second chain in the first command would be initialized with the second entry, etc.
More features will be added as requested by users and as time permits. Please file an issue/comment/request.
Note 1: In order to support platforms other than OS X, help is needed to test on such platforms.