JuliaArrays / BlockArrays.jl

BlockArrays for Julia
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arrays blockarrays julia matrix


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A block array is a partition of an array into blocks or subarrays, see wikipedia for a more extensive description. This package has two purposes. Firstly, it defines an interface for an AbstractBlockArray block arrays that can be shared among types representing different types of block arrays. The advantage to this is that it provides a consistent API for block arrays.

Secondly, it also implements two different type of block arrays that follow the AbstractBlockArray interface. The type BlockArray stores each block contiguously while the type BlockedArray stores the full matrix contiguously. This means that BlockArray supports fast non copying extraction and insertion of blocks while BlockedArray supports fast access to the full matrix to use in in for example a linear solver.

A simple way to produce BlockArrays is via mortar, which combines an array of arrays into a BlockArray:

julia> using BlockArrays

julia> mortar([randn(3), randn(4)])
2-blocked 7-element BlockVector{Float64}:

julia> mortar(reshape([randn(2,2), randn(1,2), randn(2,3), randn(1,3)],2,2))
2×2-blocked 3×5 BlockMatrix{Float64}:
 -1.17797    0.359738   │   0.87676    -2.06495    1.74256
  1.54787    1.64133    │  -0.0416484  -2.00241   -0.522441
  0.430093  -0.0263753  │  -1.31275     0.278447  -0.139579

Alternatively, one can add block structure on top of an existing array by wrapping the array in BlockedArray, where the extra arguments give the sizes of the blocks:

julia> BlockedArray(randn(7), [3,4])
2-blocked 7-element BlockedVector{Float64}:

julia> BlockedArray(randn(3,5), [2,1], [2,3])
2×2-blocked 3×5 BlockedMatrix{Float64}:
  0.444186   0.788823  │   0.743428  -0.815026   0.715779
 -0.721074  -0.43783   │   1.07413   -0.336926   0.539873
  0.128836  -0.350202  │  -2.71365    1.67605   -0.25611


Changes in v1.0

We are excited to release v1.0! There are some important breaking changes from previous versions of BlockArrays.jl:


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