KarlHegbloom / zotero-texmacs-integration

Integration of the Juris-M or Zotero reference manager with TeXmacs for using CSL citation styles in documents.
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academic-publishing bluebook indigobook juris-m latex legal-citation legal-writing texmacs zotero

Zotero - TeXmacs integration plugin and citation styles.

This branch is the active (Α) development branch of this program. It is ready to use with Juris-M 5.0 now.

I need beta testers. Please report both success and failure to this issue tracker!

In particular, I have not yet tested this with Zotero 5.0, since I work primarily with Juris-M 5.0. Testing this is on my todo list.


Documentation and YouTube Screencast Demos

RTFM: tm-zotero-tutorial.en.pdf on Github

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencasts Playlist

NEW Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 2017 03 08

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 2017 02 17

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 03

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 02

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 01

Important Changes for this branch:

To install this, you have to clone this repository and checkout this branch. You do not need to clone the git submodules for a working checkout of this TeXmacs plugin.

The reason for the symlink tests is that I've changed some file names and some module names. If you had symlinks to the source in ~/TeXmacs/plugins before, they should be removed, and then only one created named tm-zotero that points to the top directory of a clone of the source from github, e.g.,

cd ~;
mkdir --parents ~/src/Juris-M || true;
cd ~/src/Juris-M;
git clone https://github.com/KarlHegbloom/zotero-texmacs-integration;
cd zotero-texmacs-integration;
git checkout master;
cd ~;
mkdir --parents ~/.TeXmacs/plugins || true;
cd ~/.TeXmacs/plugins;
[[ -L "legal-brief" -a -L "zotero" -a $(realpath "legal-brief") = $(realpath "zotero" ]] && rm legal-brief zotero;
[[ -L "zotero" ]] && rm zotero;
ln -s ~/src/Juris-M/zotero-texmacs-integration tm-zotero;

You do not need to clone the submodules unless you are curious or plan to help develop this program. The are only required for development or bugfix work, not for normal use of this plugin. Everything that TeXmacs needs to run this plugin is already in the toplevel git project. The citeproc-js and propachi-texmacs submodules are the source to the propachi-texmacs XPI that is required to be installed in Juris-M for this plugin to function properly.

How to get this up and running:

Now when you start TeXmacs, it will be able to find the style and the scheme program that makes it work. Start a new document, and add the tm-zotero style package. (Document menu, or bottom left toolbar icons.) A Zotero menu will appear on the TeXmacs menu bar. Try adding a citation. If I've done my job right, and you've followed the instructions correctly, it ought to work.

I've also included my legal-brief style for people to try. Open a new document, and set the main document style to that. Then try the hybrid LaTeX-like commands:




The jm-indigobook-catsort-bib.csl can be added using the Juris-M preferences dialog on the Cite | Styles tab.

Please use the Github issue tracker to report any problems. That will assist me in not losing any trouble-tickets:


Other potentially interesting media

Yes, after it's all working again, I'll update the documentation!

This article is very interesting. It talks about verified mathematical documents... it makes me wonder if there can be verified legal documents?
