LakshaySK106 / Algorithms

🌱Contribute in Hacktoberfest 2022 by contributing Data Structures and Algorithms Code in any programming language. Create your own issues. ✨Star it 🍴Fork it and Contribute to it <3
MIT License
13 stars 67 forks source link
algotithms backtracking-algorithm bfs coding cpp dfs graph graph-algorithms greedy-algorithms hacktoberfest hactoberfest2022 hashing-algorithms javascript python python3 randomized-algorithm searching searching-algorithms sorting-algorithms



Special Note For Everyone 🎃

always make more then 4 pull request
lets you have made only 4 pull request to different projects
but one project is excluded from hackoctoberfest event then your pull request will not be count and 
then you have remains 3 valid pull request if these projects is not excluded.
if you fail to make 4 pull request then you cant get swags or t-shirts.

i will recommend you make pull request to your own repo which is very very saffest side for you..
keep in mind that repo has hacktoberfest topic..

MIT license
Open Source Love Contributor Covenant

Data Structures and Algorithms Repository

✨Star it :fork_and_knife:Fork it and Contribute to it <3

Getting started
git checkout -b branch-name
git add .
git commit -m 'Commit message'
git push origin branch-name


Before creating a PR or issue, please do the following:
Check the [Contribution]( Guide.<br>


@lakshaysk's Holopin board


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT License.