Lusito / box2d.ts

Full blown Box2D Ecosystem for the web, written in TypeScript
60 stars 6 forks source link
box2d lighting particles physics

@box2d Monorepository

All Contributors

Work in Progress of a full Box2D ecosystem for the web.

Included Libraries:

Quick Start

This monorepo is in it's early stage, so to get started, you'll have to taka a look at the testbed project for now.

Monorepo Commands:

Most important commands to execute from the root folder (you need npm 18 installed):

The @box2d Ecosystem

@box2d is a full-blown ecosystem for box2d for the JavaScript/TypeScript world. It can be used both in the browser and in node.js

Check out demos and compare performance here:

Fair Warning: The whole @box2d ecosystem is in an early stage, so it will probably change a lot before we release the first stable version (1.0.0).

Other packages included in the ecosystem:


We're looking for contributors to make this the best place to start with box2d on the web. Check out the project page for more information:

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Erin Catto


Isaac Burns

💻 📦

Maxime Veber





💻 🚧

Daniel Zhang


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!