MSkeem / CellarTracker-for-Home-Assistant

Home Assistant Custom Component integration to CellarTracker
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cellartracker home-assistant home-automation iot wine-tracking

Home Assistant Integration for CellarTracker


CellarTracker logo

This custom integration enables you to seamlessly import your wine collections from CellarTracker into Home Assistant.

The integration generates the following distinct entities, each representing a category of wine as opposed to individual bottles:

Installation Guide:

Choose either 1.a. or 1.b. for the initial step:

1.a. Easy Method:
Add the integration via HACS under Custom Integration:
Category: Integration

1.b. Manual Method:
Download the CT_winelist directory from this repository and place it in your custom_component directory in Home Assistant.

2. Final Step:
Post completion of either 1.a. or 1.b., restart Home Assistant and add the following snippet to your configuration.yaml file (or in your sensor.yaml file):

  - platform: CT_winelist  
    username: !secret CT_winelist_username  
    password: !secret CT_winelist_password  

Database management note:
Wine details are stored as entity attributes. To avoid database overload and warnings from Home Assistant, consider excluding these entities from the recorder. Update the recorder section in your configuration.yaml as follows:

      - sensor.ct_fortified
      - sensor.ct_other
      - sensor.ct_red
      - sensor.ct_rose
      - sensor.ct_sparkling
      - sensor.ct_white

Username and password for CellarTracker:
Include your CellarTracker username and password in the secrets.yaml file as shown:

CT_winelist_username: your_username
CT_winelist_password: your_password

Remember to restart Home Assistant once more.

Lovelace Overview:

Here is a snapshot of how the overview looks in Lovelace (example given in Danish):

Lovelace overview

From the overview you can also view individual wine lists using the flex-table feature in a Lovelace sub-view. To enable the overview and detailed view, add the content of the ui-lovelace.yaml file from this repository to your own ui-lovelace.yaml file.

Here is an example of a sub-view, e.g., when pressing the "White wine" icon:

Lovelace subview

The graphics used in the overview should be placed in a directory named CT_winelist_gfx within the www-folder. Please note that these graphics are designed for dark backgrounds, hence their white color scheme.


This integration relies on the following custom components. These can be installed via the HACS Frontend:

Please note that the component updates every two hours. To avoid violating CellarTracker's regulations, do not set this frequency lower than once per hour.


This integration for CellarTracker with Home Assistant is unofficial. The developer is in no way affiliated with CellarTracker! LLC.

"CellarTracker!" is a registered trademark of CellarTracker! LLC.