MarkFzp / mobile-aloha

Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation
MIT License
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imitation-learning robotics

Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation

Project Website:

This codebase is forked from the ALOHA repo, and contains implementation for teleoperation and data collection with the Mobile ALOHA hardware. To build ALOHA, follow the Hardware Assembly Tutorial and the quick start guide below. To train imitation learning algorithms, you would also need to install ACT for Mobile ALOHA which is forked from ACT.

Repo Structure

Quick start guide

Software selection -- OS:

Currently tested and working configurations:

Ongoing testing (compatibility effort underway):

Software installation - ROS:

  1. Install ROS and interbotix software following
  2. This will create the directory ~/interbotix_ws which contains src.
  3. git clone this repo inside ~/interbotix_ws/src
  4. source /opt/ros/noetic/ && source ~/interbotix_ws/devel/
  5. sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-usb-cam && sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-cv-bridge
  6. run catkin_make inside ~/interbotix_ws, make sure the build is successful
  7. go to ~/interbotix_ws/src/interbotix_ros_toolboxes/interbotix_xs_toolbox/interbotix_xs_modules/src/interbotix_xs_modules/, find function publish_positions. Change self.T_sb = mr.FKinSpace(self.robot_des.M, self.robot_des.Slist, self.joint_commands) to self.T_sb = None. This prevents the code from calculating FK at every step which delays teleoperation.

    Hardware installation:

The goal of this section is to run roslaunch aloha 4arms_teleop.launch, which starts communication with 4 robots and 3 cameras. It should work after finishing the following steps:

Step 1: Connect 4 robots to the computer via USB, and power on. Do not use extension cable or usb hub.

Step 2: Set max current for gripper motors

Step 3: Setup 3 cameras

Step 4: Setup the AgileX Tracer base

At this point, have a new terminal

conda deactivate # if conda shows up by default
source /opt/ros/noetic/ && source ~/interbotix_ws/devel/
roslaunch aloha 4arms_teleop.launch

If no error message is showing up, the computer should be successfully connected to all 3 cameras, all 4 robot arms and the robot base.

Trouble shooting

Software installation - Conda:

conda create -n aloha python=3.8.10
conda activate aloha
pip install torchvision
pip install torch
pip install pyquaternion
pip install pyyaml
pip install rospkg
pip install pexpect
pip install mujoco
pip install dm_control
pip install opencv-python
pip install matplotlib
pip install einops
pip install packaging
pip install h5py
pip install tqdm
pip install wandb

Testing teleoperation

Notice: Before running the commands below, be sure to place all 4 robots in their sleep positions, and open master robot's gripper. All robots will rise to a height that is easy for teleoperation.

# ROS terminal
conda deactivate
source /opt/ros/noetic/ && source ~/interbotix_ws/devel/
roslaunch aloha 4arms_teleop.launch

# Right hand terminal
conda activate aloha
cd ~/interbotix_ws/src/aloha/aloha_scripts
python3 right

# Left hand terminal
conda activate aloha
cd ~/interbotix_ws/src/aloha/aloha_scripts
python3 left

The teleoperation will start when the master side gripper is closed.

Example Usages

To set up a new terminal, run:

conda activate aloha
cd ~/interbotix_ws/src/aloha/aloha_scripts

The we ran is for testing teleoperation and has no data collection. To collect data for an episode, run:

python3 --dataset_dir <data save dir> --episode_idx 0

This will store a hdf5 file at <data save dir>. To change episode length and other params, edit directly.

To visualize the episode collected, run:

python3 --dataset_dir <data save dir> --episode_idx 0

To replay the episode collected with real robot, run:

python3 --dataset_dir <data save dir> --episode_idx 0

To lower 4 robots before e.g. cutting off power, run:
