A contribution initiative
Hello World! And welcome to FINALLY-SEEN, a soon to be a MERN stack application for which a user (a dev) will be able to post the URL of their portfolio and obtain some sort of feedback.
The Project is still to be fully defined, I just wanted to get that out there as soon as possible to help those like me who chase "good first issue"s.
The intention is to get everyone who wants to contribute, at least one task. I will personally try my best to adapt this project so anyone regardless of skills can hop in.
Ex: You know react but do not know TS...No problem. Ill take your JS (thanks for that) and give the convertion to someone else to collab on.
While I intend to give devs a good amount of coding freedom, I will be very specific and even (if needed and requested), outline steps needed to be performed in order to achieve the task. IT'S OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES. Fixing bugs always make great first issues.
Leave your ego home. This industry is full of it and I'm sure you can find plenty of opportunities to take it "for a walk". This is not the place.
Fork this repo:
Step 1: Click the Fork button to the right of the repository.
Step 2: We will then be navigated to the create new a fork page and click the create fork button.
Clone the project:
Step 1: On your Visual Studio Code IDE (or any IDE), click terminal and click new terminal.
Step 2: On the terminal run git clone https://github.com/Medic1111/FINALLY-SEEN
to clone the project.
Install dependencies client and run client:
Step 1: On the terminal in your VScode IDE run cd .\FINALLY-SEEN\
Step 2: Then run cd .\client\
and run npm install
to install dependencies client.
Step 3: With all dependencies installed, while still on the client you can run npm start
to start the client on localhost 3000
Install dependencies server and run server:
Step 1: On the new terminal in your VScode IDE(while on the root of the project) run cd .\server\
Step 2: Then run npm install
to install dependencies server.
Step 3: With all dependencies installed, while still on the server you can run node app.js
to start the server.
I highly suggest using nodemon to run the server. It is not a dependency of this project but feel free to use your globally installed one.
:point_right: Aryse Tansy :e-mail: paganowebdev@gmail.com :computer: Portfolio