cPractice is a flexible, easy to use and feature-rich practice plugin.
1) Install like any other plugin by dragging it into your server's plugin folder 2) Start the server & let the plugin load config files 3) Configure the plugin to your liking & execute the following command:
/kit - List kit commands\ /kits (view kit list)\
/arena - List arena commands\ /arenas (view arena list)\
/setspawn - set Lobby (permission: cpractice.command.setspawn)
Player commands:\ /lang - choose language | permission: not required\ /reset - reset player inventory & send to spawn | permission: cpractice.command.spawn\ /spawn - tp to spawn | permission: cpractice.command.reset\ /viewmatch - recent match history of a player in a gui | permission: cpractice.viewmatch\ \ Donator Commands:\ /rename - change held item's name | permission: cpractice.command.rename\ /showallplayers - reveal all players | permission: cpractice.command.showallplayers\ /showplayer - reveal mentioned player | permission: cpractice.command.showplayer\ \ Staff Commands:\ /clear - clear inventory | permission: cpractice.command.clearinv \ /day - set time to day | permission: cpractice.command.day\ /night - set time to night | permission: cpractice.command.night\ /sunset - set time to sunset | permission: cpractice.command.sunset\ /location - get a player's location | permission: cpractice.command.loc\ /more - get more of the held item | permission: v.command.more\ \ Admin Commands:\ /cpracticeinfo - show plugin info | permission: cpractice.info\ \ /cpractice - Helpful subcommands | permission: cpractice.admin\ \ /setslots - Sets max server slots | permission: cpractice.command.setslots\ /world - TP to another world, useful for arena setup | permission: cpractice.command.tpworld\ /troll - Opens Demo menu to a player | permission: cpractice.troll\
Name: <globaltop(0-9)_name}\ ELO: <globaltop(0-9)_elo}\ \ _eg: 1. <globaltop0_name} - <globaltop0elo}
Name: {top(0-9)_kit_name}\ ELO: {top(0-9)_kit_elo}\ \ _eg: 1. {top0_nodebuff_name} - {top0_nodebuffelo}\
Name: <clantop(0-4)_name}\ Catergory: <clantop(0-4)_category}\ Points: <clantop(0-4)_elo}\ \ _eg: 1. <clantop0_category} || <clantop0_name} - <clantop(0-4)elo}\