MisterPea / Unsequenced

Pomodoro-esq Timer/Activity Organizer
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adobe-xd expo ios-app jest pomodoro react-native react-native-testing-library react-navigation redux-toolkit typescript

Unsequenced - v1.1.1 ⏲

A Pomodoro technique-inspired app for the iPhone.

Currently in Beta-testing.

Retooling for iOS 16

~~If you're interested in trying it out, you can download the app with this link via TestFlight. If you come across any problems or have any imporvements, feel free to open a new issue if you don't already see one.~~

This app looks to provide users with a way to organize time associated with tasks.
As creators, we are all prone to spending too much time on one facet of our work-day, while neglecting others. This app will allow you to set time limits and breaks for anything you wish to accomplish.



Screens UI Logic Sub-Screens UI Logic
Task Blocks Edit Task Block
Create New Task Block Edit Task Block > Confirm Delete
Now Playing Add Task
Settings: Light/Dark Mode Edit Task
Settings: Quiet Mode Delete Task
Settings: Show Notifications Duplicate Task
Settings: Allow Sounds Mark Task Complete
Settings: About Me Reset Time For Task
Swipe To Delete Task
Notifications - While App is Active
Notifications - While App is in Background
Automatically Add/Remove Task Breaks n/a
Component Complete
Color key for light/dark mode - font styling
Swipeable for Task Block
Swipeable/Draggable for Tasks
Round Buttons - Now Playing
Progress Bar - Now Playing
Progress Bar on Task Bars
Timer for Tasks
Async Storage
Loading Screen - might have to revisit*