MorevM / vue-transitions

Interface transitions library for Vue 2/3
MIT License
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animations transitions transitions-library vue vue2 vue3

Promo image of @morev/vue-transitions package

Stability of "master" branch License: MIT Last commit Release version GitHub Release Date Keywords


Reusable interface transitions for Vue 2 and Vue 3 with no CSS needed ❤️

✔️ Highly customizable via props; \ ✔️ Correctly works with grid/flex layouts in group mode; \ ✔️ Considers initial styles of animated elements such as transform or opacity; \ ✔️ Even more easy-to-use with universal Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3 module.

DEMO / Playground

Table of contents:


❗ Requirements

The plugin will not work if you are using a Node or Nuxt version less than the specified ones.

Using yarn

yarn add @morev/vue-transitions

Using npm

npm install @morev/vue-transitions

Using pnpm

pnpm add @morev/vue-transitions

Using bun

bun add @morev/vue-transitions

Important note for Bun users

The package relies on postinstall hook to determine the Vue version and provide proper components. \ By default, Bun does not execute lifecycle hooks, so to make it work you need to manually add the package to the trustedDependencies after installing and run bun install again.

  "trustedDependencies": ["@morev/vue-transitions"]


You may skip the following paragraphs if you are going to use the library with Nuxt. \ Go to "Usage with Nuxt" section.

Package exports two versions of components:

However, there is also a default export mapped to local version of Vue being used. \ Underhood, it utilized the postinstall npm hook. \ After installing the package, the script will start to check the installed Vue version and redirect the exports to based on the local Vue version.

It feels pretty robust, but if you're worried about, prefer an explicit named import according to the version you're using.

By the way, you can change default export after installation: just run the command vue-transitions-version-switch <version>

  • Example using yarn: yarn vue-transitions-version-switch 2
  • Example using npx: npx vue-transitions-version-switch 3

Global registration

Using Vue3

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { plugin as vueTransitionsPlugin } from '@morev/vue-transitions';
import '@morev/vue-transitions/styles';

const app = createApp(App);

  // Plugin options (optional, described below)

Using Vue2

import Vue from 'vue';
import { plugin as vueTransitionsPlugin } from '@morev/vue-transitions';
import '@morev/vue-transitions/styles';

Vue.use(vueTransitionsPlugin, {
  // Plugin options (optional, described below)
😥 I got an error "This dependency was not found" For environments that can't resolve `exports` field (such as [Nuxt 2]( just replace styles import with direct path to file: ```diff - import '@morev/vue-transitions/styles'; + import '@morev/vue-transitions/dist/index.css'; ```

Custom options

It's recommended to use the named export plugin instead of default export when setting custom options to get proper type information.

Custom options allows to change default property values. \ To change the defaults, pass the defaultProps key to the plugin settings, listing the key-value pairs of desired props. \ You may also change default props per-component, to do so just pass the componentDefaultProps key to plugin settings.

Important: these props are not validated, so make sure you define them with right values.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { plugin as vueTransitionsPlugin } from '@morev/vue-transitions';
import '@morev/vue-transitions/styles';

const app = createApp(App);

  // Default duration for all transitions now is `200`
  defaultProps: {
    duration: 200,
  // But for `<transition-expand>` default duration is `500`
  componentDefaultProps: {
    TransitionExpand: {
      duration: 500,

Direct import of components

    <div v-if="isVisible" class="box">
      Fade transition

  import { TransitionFade } from '@morev/vue-transitions';

  export default {
    components: { TransitionFade },

Usage with Nuxt

The library exports a ready-to-use universal module for Nuxt 2 and 3 via named export /nuxt. \ Using Nuxt, it's recommended to use the module instead of manual installation because:

  1. Nuxt allows to auto-import components on demand instead of global registration, which is a more performant option.
  2. It's just faster to do :)

To use, add @morev/vue-transitions/nuxt to the modules section of your nuxt.config.ts / nuxt.config.js:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  vueTransitions: {
    // The same options as in the plugin itself.
    // You will get an autocomplete using Nuxt 3.

Enjoy you transition components! 🎉


You may skip this section using Nuxt module - it does it for you.

This section only applies to VSCode setup and global registration of components.

With Vue 2

Using Vue 2 with Vetur extension installed all components should provide hints as it, no actions required:

Example of IntelliSense with VSCode and Vetur

With Vue 3

Using Vue 3 with Volar extension installed all components should provide hints as it, no actions required:

Example of IntelliSense with VSCode and Volar

List of transitions


Basic transition that changes element opacity. Pretty simple.

Show code ```vue ```


Transition that manipulates with actual element size. \ If you are old enough you may know this transition as jQuery slideUp/slideDown. \ It also can work with X axis like slideLeft and slideRight (although it's hard for me to come up with a scenario where it will really be needed).

Has unique prop: axis


Transition that manipulates with element position via transform: translate(). \ It requires offset prop to calculate desired element position and can work with percentage values.

Examples how to work with offset prop ```vue ```

It respects the transform applied to element itself via CSS and merges it with defined offset. \ It's very useful, for example, when you are trying to make centered dropdown.

👀 Show example of `transform` merging ```vue ```

Has unique prop: offset


Transition that manipulates with element transform: scale(). \ By default, it scales element from scale(1) to scale(0), but this behavior can be customized via :scale prop. \ It works with different axis via axis prop.

Has unique props: scale, axis, origin

Show example of code ```vue ```


Common props

Those properties are related to each transition:

Whether the component should be a [`transition-group`]( component. ```ts export type TransitionGroup = boolean; // Default: false ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Transition tag, in the case of using a [`transition-group`]( component. ```ts export type TransitionTag = string; // Default: 'span' ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Whether to apply a transition on the initial render of a node. Acts literally the same as original [Vue transition appear prop]( ```ts export type TransitionAppear = boolean; // Default: undefined ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
[Transition mode]( ```ts export type TransitionMode = 'in-out' | 'out-in' | undefined; // Default: undefined ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Transition animation duration, ms. \ If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts // Default: 300 export type TransitionDuration = number | { enter: number, leave: number } ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Duration of animation of elements positions changing, in the case of using a `transition-group`. Although Vue does not have a native way to set the duration of the move animation via props, this task can be done using [CSS Custom Properties](
👀 Show explanation
``` ```css .scale-move { transition-duration: var(--move-duration, 300ms); } ```
```ts // Default: 300 export type TransitionMoveDuration = number; ```
Transition animation delay, ms.\ If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts // Default: 300 export type TransitionDelay = number | { enter: number, leave: number }; ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Transition animation easing. Should be a valid CSS transition timing function. \ If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts export type TransitionEasing = string; // Default: 'cubic-bezier(.25, .8, .5, 1)' ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Whether to **not** animate the element `opacity`. By default, each transition manipulates `opacity` in addition to the main property. \ However, sometimes this is not required - for example, when implementing modal panels that appear from the edge of the screen. > The prop is obviously not applicable to `transition-fade` component. ```ts export type TransitionNoOpacity = boolean; // Default: false ``` **Example:** ```vue ```
Whether to **not** animate elements positions changing, in the case of using a `transition-group`. By default, when using `group` mode, when an element is removed, the remaining elements smoothly change their position. \ They are given absolute positioning and dropped out of the flow, so the parent container collapses in height. Usually this is not a problem, but sometimes - for example, when using `transition-expand` and sequentially placed elements under each other, it looks rough. \ With this option, you can achieve a more pleasant behavior of the elements in this situation. ```ts export type TransitionNoMove = boolean; // Default: false ``` **Example:** ```vue ```

Unique props of TransitionExpand

Axis by which the element should expand. \ If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts type ExpandAxisValue = 'x' | 'y'; // Default: 'y' export type TransitionExpandAxis = ExpandAxisValue | { enter: ExpandAxisValue, leave: ExpandAxisValue } ```

Unique props of TransitionSlide

The element offset by `x` and `y` axis before/after the transition. \ Should be an integer or a string representation of percentage value (e.g. `'100%'`). Number values treats as `px` offset, string values ending with `%` sign treats as `percentage of the element width / height`. \ [Examples and explanation](#transitionslide) If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts type SlideOffsetValue = [number | string, number | string]; // Default: [0, -16] export type TransitionSlideOffset = SlideOffsetValue | { enter: SlideOffsetValue, leave: SlideOffsetValue } ```

Unique props of TransitionScale

Scale axis to be animated. * `both` (uses `transform: scale()`) * `x` (uses `transform: scaleX()`) * `y` (uses `transform: scaleY()`) [Examples and explanation](#transitionscale) If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts type ScaleAxisValue = 'x' | 'y' | 'both'; // Default: 'both' export type TransitionScaleAxis = ScaleAxisValue | { enter: ScaleAxisValue, leave: ScaleAxisValue } ```
`transform-origin` CSS property applied to element(s). \ If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. [Examples and explanation](#transitionscale) If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts // Default: '50% 50%' export type TransitionScaleAxis = string | { enter: string, leave: string } ```
The element scale value before/after the transition. Should be a number between `0` and `1`. If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. [Examples and explanation](#transitionscale) If an object given then `enter` and `leave` values will be used for enter and leave transition respectively. ```ts // Default: 0 export type TransitionScaleScale = number | { enter: number, leave: number } ```


Components do not provide any special events, but trigger all standard transition events: