MuziStudio / Gdx-Assets-Protector-Examples

Protect Your libGDX Game Assets!
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assets crypto libgdx protector


A resource protection tool designed specifically for the libGDX engine.


Feature Highlights:


Resource Encryption Tool (Windows)

Runtime Library (Includes Windows Native Libraries)

Runtime Library (Excludes Windows Native Libraries)

Android Native Library

Brief Tutorial

Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded the Resource Encryption Tool (Windows). If you need cross-platform compilation, download the Runtime Library (Includes Windows Native Libraries), which includes the necessary dll libraries for Windows projects. If you are compiling only an Android project, download the Runtime Library (Excludes Windows Native Libraries) to reduce the size of the generated apk file. If you are compiling an Android project, also download the Android Native Library.
1. Use the Resource Encryption Tool to encrypt resource files
  1. Place the Resource Encryption Tool in the same directory as the folder containing all the resources you want to encrypt, and run the tool. 1.png

    1. In the Please input your assets path step, enter your resource path, using a relative path (in this example, it's "assets"). Using an absolute path may result in errors.

    2. In the Use password or random key to crypto assets? step, press 0 or 1 to choose the encryption method. 0 represents the random key method, and 1 represents the password method. The password method internally calculates the key through hashing. I recommend using the key method for increased security. If you choose the password method, enter your password in the next step.

    3. In the Please input the file path of the encrypted package step, use a relative path to input the location to save the encrypted file, for example, "secretPackage/package.bin". This will save the encrypted file to the "secretPackage" directory in the current folder with the name "package.bin". Press Enter, and you should see your encrypted file and two additional files with the same name in that directory.

Additional File Explanation:

Note: You can decide the file extension for the encrypted file, but please avoid using .key or .log, as it will result in failure to generate the additional files.

2. Configure Runtime Library (Gradle Environment)
3. Example Code

The core class of the runtime library is SecretAssetManager, and its usage is similar to AssetManager. However, it has the capability to load resources from encrypted packages.

SecretAssetManager manager = new SecretAssetManager();

loadPackage is a unique method of SecretManager, allowing the loading of encrypted packages.

// Load the data.msf package with the password "muzistudio"
manager.loadPackage(Gdx.files.internal("data.msf"), "muzistudio");

// Load the data.msf package with the key from the data.key file
manager.loadPackage(Gdx.files.internal("data.msf"), Gdx.files.internal("data.key"));

// Load the data.msf package with the provided byte array as the key (32 bytes)
manager.loadPackage(Gdx.files.internal("data.msf"), new byte[]{...});

Load resources from an encrypted package. The resource path can be referenced from the *.log file generated by the Resource Encryption Tool. SecretAssetManager also supports loading files from regular paths; just remove the "Secret-" prefix from the class.

// Load a resource from the encrypted package, with the type SecretTexture.class
manager.load("Texture/gdx.png", SecretTexture.class);

// Load a resource from a regular path, with the type Texture.class
// manager.load("Texture/gdx.png", Texture.class);

// Wait for the resources to finish loading

// Get the resource; since SecretTexture extends Texture, they can be automatically converted, 
// but note that some classes might not support this conversion, please refer to the documentation
Texture texture = manager.get("Texture/gdx.png");

Now you can use the Texture class loaded from the encrypted package.

In comparison to the original AssetManager, SecretAssetManager supports loading SecretFileHandle. With this class, you can load any encrypted file. It is similar to FileHandle, but it should never be used as a replacement for FileHandle in other Gdx classes. This is because SecretFileHandle is a simulated representation of a file in memory, and the actual file does not exist on the disk.

// Load a SecretFileHandle
manager.load("FileHandle/secret.txt", SecretFileHandle.class);

// Wait for the resource to finish loading

// Get the SecretFileHandle object
SecretFileHandle file = manager.get("FileHandle/secret.txt");

// Print the content of the obtained file

Loading resources with parameters, using the same method as the original AssetManager.

// SecretBitmapFont parameters
SecretBitmapFontParameter parameter = new SecretBitmapFontParameter();
// Set the font scale to 2f (this parameter is only supported for encrypted fonts)
parameter.fontScale = 2f;
// Pass the parameters during loading
game.manager.load("BitmapFont/font.fnt", SecretBitmapFont.class, parameter);

For the loading methods of other classes, please refer to the source code of this demo project.

Supporting Classes

Encrypted Class - Original Class

