NaitLee / Cat-Printer

Application supporting Bluetooth thermal “Cat Printers”, for everyone!
GNU General Public License v3.0
307 stars 31 forks source link
android bleak bluetooth bluetooth-low-energy cat-printer kitty-printer printer python webapp

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🐱🖨 A project that provides support to some Bluetooth “Cat Printer” models, on many platforms!



Known to support: GB01, GB02, GB03, GT01, YT01, MX05, MX06, MX08, MX10

You can test other models with the Web UI, in Settings -> Test Unknown Device
It may work!


This project is still in development. More features may be added in the future!

Didn’t find your feature? Or can’t set it up? Try the simple Web-app, kitty-printer.

Get Started


Get the newest apk release and install, then well done!

It may ask for background location permission, you can deny it safely.
(Foreground) Location permission is required for scanning Bluetooth devices in newer Android system.

It is recommended to set scan time to 1 second.

The 3rd-party F-Droid repository IzzyOnDroid is known to include Cat-Printer.


  1. Download source code of this repository and install newest version of Python.
  2. Extract the source code archive, run install.bat, wait for it to complete
  3. After that, you will get server.bat for opening the Web interface. Run it and enjoy

Windows typically needs longer scan time. Defaults to 4 seconds, try to find your case.

For those who know Python development — see requirements.txt to find your way, it’s very simple.


Get source code and run ./ to set the environment up.

After that, you can always use Cat-Printer inside the given virtual environment:

(venv) $ python3

It is recommended to set the scan time to 2 seconds.

On Arch Linux based distros you may install bluez first, as it may not be installed by default

sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils
Further steps You may want to use the command line interface for hackiness: ``` $ python --help ``` You may or may not need to install ImageMagick and Ghostscript, depending on your distro. ```bash sudo apt install imagemagick ghostscript ``` or use your distro's package manager. Extra configuration is required for ImageMagick to work. Because IM is made for external webserver, a strict security policy is applied. You need to add the following line to `/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml` before ``: ```xml ``` Because this script is only accesible by localhost, or at most your local network, this is safe.

Packaging is also on the way!


For MacOS please install Python 3,
then install pyobjc and bleak via pip in terminal:

pip3 install pyobjc bleak

After that, get the source code and run:


Worth to Note

For all supported platforms,
You can also use “pure” edition once you have Python 3 installed,
or “bare” edition if you also managed to install bleak via pip.

If you like command-line, installing ImageMagick and Ghostscript could be very helpful.

See the releases now!


Please use Issue or Discussion if there’s something in your mind!

Of course Pull Requests are welcome if you can handle them!


Copyright © 2021-2024 NaitLee Soft. Some rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

See file LICENSE, and detail of used JavaScript in file www/jslicense.html

Particularly,, and main.js are released under GNU GPL 3 (GPL-3.0-or-later).
All other parts, except which have special statements, are in Public Domain (CC0-1.0-only).


You may interested in language support, anyway. There are translation files in directory www/lang and readme.i18n/!

You can correct mistakes here/there, if there are any. Also feel free to make it (truly) better!

Also interested in code development? See and!

After that, give yourself a credit in www/about.html, if you prefer.
