Naltox / node-vk-sdk

Typescript SDK for VK Api
MIT License
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nodejs sdk typescript vk-api vkontakte


VK API SDK for Node.js


To install the stable version:

npm install --save node-vk-sdk

This assumes you are using npm as your package manager. If you don’t, you can access these files on unpkg, download them, or point your package manager to them.


You can import SDK using ES6 modules:

import {VKApi, ConsoleLogger} from 'node-vk-sdk'

Or using require:

const {VKApi, ConsoleLogger} = require('node-vk-sdk')


import {VKApi, ConsoleLogger} from 'node-vk-sdk'

let api = new VKApi({
    logger: new ConsoleLogger()

api.usersGet({ userIds: ['1'] })
    .then(response => {

VKApi constructor options

interface VKApiOptions {
    lang?: string|number,
    testMode?: number,
    logger?: BaseLogger,
    token?: string,
    timeout?: number,
    requestsPerSecond?: number,
    useQueue?: boolean

Calling methods

All api methods returning Promise, so you can use them as Promise or as async functions. Methods arguments are described in interfaces, so you need to pass object implementing that interface, for example users.get props interface:

export interface UsersGetParams {
     * User IDs or screen names ('screen_name'). By default, current user ID.
    user_ids?: string[],
     * Profile fields to return. Sample values: 'nickname', 'screen_name', 'sex', 'bdate' (birthdate), 'city', 'country', 'timezone', 'photo', 'photo_medium', 'photo_big', 'has_mobile', 'contacts', 'education', 'online', 'counters', 'relation', 'last_seen', 'activity', 'can_write_private_message', 'can_see_all_posts', 'can_post', 'universities',
    fields?: string[],
     * Case for declension of user name and surname: 'nom' — nominative (default), 'gen' — genitive , 'dat' — dative, 'acc' — accusative , 'ins' — instrumental , 'abl' — prepositional
    name_case?: string,
     * access token
    access_token?: string

All props interfaces have accessToken property, that token will be used instead of token passed to VKApi

Calling example:

api.usersGet({ user_ids: ['1'] })
    .then(response => {

// or we can call it as async function

let response = await api.usersGet({ user_ids: ['1'] })

Direct call methods:

// makes plain call & returns contents of "response" property of server response
public async call(method: string, params: Object): Promise<any>

// Makes api call and if there was
// server-side error or requests limit was reached
// repeats the call after some timeout
public async callWithRetry(method: string, params: Object): Promise<any>

Bots Long Poll API

To receive group updates using Bots Long Poll API use BotsLongPollUpdatesProvider class:

import {VKApi, ConsoleLogger, BotsLongPollUpdatesProvider} from 'node-vk-sdk'

let api = new VKApi({
    token: 'GROUP_TOKEN_HERE',
    logger: new ConsoleLogger()

let updatesProvider = new BotsLongPollUpdatesProvider(api, GROUP_ID_HERE)

updatesProvider.getUpdates(updates => {
    console.log('got updates: ', updates)