OI4 / oi4-oec-service

An OI4-compliant base service covering most of the "mandatory" functionality by the development guideline
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Open Industry 4.0 Alliance - Open Edge Computing Service

The oi4-service repository contains all artifacts to build a service compliant to OEC Development Guideline v1.1.0. It also covers a base service that will help you build your own compliant OI4 OEC service by providing most of the OI4 state machine.

JSON schemas and models will help you to process, validate and publish OI4 OEC compliant messages.

The oi4-oec-service is a community project and is not offered by the OI4 Alliance. It is published under the MIT license AND most important it is an OI4 open source project that needs your contribution! If you want to contribute and do not know how, just reach out for the WG leads.


The oi4-oec-service is a TypesScript application. To get started you need a proper NodeJS and Yarn installation. Please install Node.js and yarn.

The service requires Node.js version 20 or higher. Either install the latest LTS version or use nvm to manage your Node.js versions.

nvm use v20.9.0

In case you use Windows as development platform, please use Git Bash or WSL2.


To install locally run

yarn install
yarn build

Any gyp ERR! message that might popup can be ignored. It is a known issue and does not affect the build process.

Getting started

The oi4-oec-service is deigned to hide the complexity of the OI4 OEC state machine and still provide a flexible way to implement your own business logic. A detailed description of the service can be found in the OI4 OEC Community documentation.