21.12.2020: We've entered alpha testing phase, see instructions below, on how to install and test
This software will interconnect your Hytera repeater (tested RD625 and RD985) with MMDVM server (HBlink, DMRGateway, ...)
It does not require running under root/admin user, if you bind to ports over 1024
# You need to have Python3 installed, at least version 3.7
$ python3 -m pip install pip wheel setuptools --upgrade
$ python3 -m pip install hytera-homebrew-bridge --upgrade
# download config file
$ curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OK-DMR/Hytera_Homebrew_Bridge/master/settings.ini.minimal.default" -o settings.ini
# Now edit settings.ini
# Hytera: You must provide at least IPSC IP + ports (P2P, DMR and RDAC)
# MMDVM: You must provide at least local_ip, master_ip, port and password
# See "settings.ini.minimal.default" for required params / minimal configuration
$ hytera-homebrew-bridge.py settings.ini
To get software running on Windows, you need to install appropriate Python 3.7+ package (depending on your Windows version), and you need to install dependencies (MSVC++ 14) required to build bitarray dependency
Then you should be able to use Simple install
# From standard Windows Command Line (cmd.exe)
$ python -m pip install pip wheel setuptools --upgrade
$ python -m pip install hytera-homebrew-bridge --upgrade
# Download settings from the project, settings.ini.minimal.default or settings.ini.default and modify it
$ hytera-homebrew-bridge.py <path to settings.ini> <optinally path to logging.ini>
Run the software without installing to Python packages, so you can edit code and run the edits
# Optionally uninstall the version installed in system
# python3
$ git clone https://github.com/OK-DMR/Hytera_Homebrew_Bridge.git
$ cd Hytera_Homebrew_Bridge
# You can use either settings.ini.default (all configuration params) or settings.ini.minimal.default (only required params)
$ cp settings.ini.default settings.ini
$ apt-get install libsnmp-dev snmp-mibs-downloader gcc python-dev
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user --upgrade
# Dependencies to run tests (pytest, pcapng parsing, ...)
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.development.txt --user --upgrade
$ python3 bin/hytera-homebrew-bridge.py settings.ini
Conventional > Channel > Digital Channel (or analog) > Digital IP Multi-Site Connect (4th from top in channel detail) must be set to "Slot 1 & Slot 2"
Conventional > General Settings > Access Manager
and in the section "Multisite Access Management" either disable the management or set correct listConventional > General Settings > Network
section SNMP
at the bottomProject is licensed under AGPLv3 and uses parts of other software, mentioned in NOTICE
This project is intended for educational/scientific purposes, and for HAM community to use non-commercialy.
Use at your own risk, and expect no warranties.