Open-Sustainability-Index / open-sustainability-index-backend

Backend and API routes for Open Sustainability Index
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
6 stars 1 forks source link
remix supabase swagger typescript vite


Create folders:

mkdir -p app/components/scenes
mkdir -p app/components/page
mkdir -p app/components/navigation
mkdir -p app/components/common
mkdir -p app/components/input
mkdir -p app/routes/api
mkdir -p app/hooks
mkdir -p app/theme
touch app/theme/global.css
mkdir -p app/services
mkdir -p app/utils
mkdir -p server/loaders
mkdir -p server/actions
mkdir -p server/utils
mkdir -p config
mkdir -p public
mkdir -p db/migrations

To run

npm run dev

Set up local Supabase development

cd ./supabase

npx supabase start

Take note of API URL and anon key. You can also use this to get API keys and URLs:

npx supabase status

Development environment

Supabase web admin:

Postgres connection string for TablePlus/Postico: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres

Get schema and data from cloud database

npx supabase db pull  # Pull down local db schema from cloud db
npx supabase db push  # Push up your local db schema to cloud db

Get data:

npx supabase db dump --data-only -f db_data.sql
psql --single-transaction --file db_data.sql --dbname 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres'

Creating migration of database changes from local machine to server

Edit your local database, then run:

npx supabase db diff -f [migration-name]
# Then normally run: npx supabase db push

Running a migration locally:

npx supabase migration up

Reset database and apply current migrations:

npx supabase db reset


Note: use &api-key=demo, or set it as a Bearer token in the header.

Live API on

SQL functions

SELECT * FROM companies(
    0,                  -- offset_value
    20,                 -- limit_value
    'name',             -- sort_by
    'asc',              -- sort_order
    --  'Technology',   -- industry_filter
    --  true,           -- near_term_filter
    --  'Type A',       -- commitment_type_filter
    --  'Active',       -- commitment_status_filter
    --  'Target 1'      -- target_target_filter
    --  'omx120'        -- tags_filter

-- v2:

SELECT * FROM companies_v2(
    0,                  -- offset_value
    20,                 -- limit_value
    'name',             -- sort_by
    'asc'               -- sort_order
    --  'Technology',   -- industry_filter
    --  true,           -- near_term_filter
    --  'Type A',       -- commitment_type_filter
    --  'Active',       -- commitment_status_filter
    --  'Target 1'      -- target_target_filter
    --  ??              -- emissions_required
    --  'omx120'        -- tags_filter

Get SQL code:

SELECT pg_get_functiondef('companies_v2'::regproc);