OpenNMT / CTranslate

Lightweight C++ translator for OpenNMT Torch models (deprecated)
MIT License
79 stars 50 forks source link
cpp eigen neural-machine-translation opennmt

This project is considered obsolete as the Torch framework is no longer maintained. For compatibility with OpenNMT-tf or OpenNMT-py, please check out CTranslate2.

Build Status


CTranslate is a C++ implementation of OpenNMT's translate.lua script with no LuaTorch dependencies. It facilitates the use of OpenNMT models in existing products and on various platforms using Eigen as a backend.

CTranslate provides optimized CPU translation and optionally offloads matrix multiplication on a CUDA-compatible device using cuBLAS. It only supports OpenNMT models released with the release_model.lua script.




CMake and a compiler that supports the C++11 standard are required to compile the project.

git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

It will produce the dynamic library (or .dylib on Mac OS, .dll on Windows) and the translation client cli/translate.

CTranslate also bundles OpenNMT's Tokenizer which provides the tokenization tools lib/tokenizer/cli/tokenize and lib/tokenizer/cli/detokenize.


Performance tips



See --help on the clients to discover available options and usage. They have the same interface as their Lua counterpart.


This project is also a convenient way to load OpenNMT models and translate texts in existing software.

Here is a very simple example:

#include <iostream>

#include <onmt/onmt.h>

int main()
  // Create a new Translator object.
  auto translator = onmt::TranslatorFactory::build("enfr_model_release.t7");

  // Translate a tokenized sentence.
  std::cout << translator->translate("Hello world !") << std::endl;

  return 0;

For a more advanced usage, see:

Also see the headers available in the Tokenizer that are accessible when linking against CTranslate.

Supported features

CTranslate focuses on supporting model configurations that are likely to be used in production settings. It covers models trained with the default options, plus some variants:

Additionally, CTranslate misses some advanced features of translate.lua: