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Engaging Learning Platform with Godot Based Minigames
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Engaging Learning Platform with Godot Based Minigames

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Group Project by loreneg (Lorenzo Negut), LorenzoCattai (Lorenzo Cattai), pertipo (Gabriele Pernici), anhtuduong (Anh Tu Duong) for Software engineering - 146148 at University of Trento, DISI Department.

The project consists in a platform providing a better learning experience for scientific subjects. The idea is to include standard formal explanations of topics (with associated exercises) accompanied by a small number of interactive minigames. To better involve the students, each exercise will be put in an AI generated context (e.i. a phisics problem related to speeds and distances could be told using the story of Achilles and the turtoise). Moreover, the formal explanations can be genrated by an AI, uploaded by a professor or by a combination of the two. Lastly, AI is used to suggest which topics should be revised for the students using the platform. This project mainly focused on the workflows and organization more than the project itself because it was a course assignment with that in mind.
