RajLabMSSM / echotabix

echoverse module: Tabix indexing and querying.
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echoverse genomics tabix vcf-files

R build
status License: GPL (\>=

¶ Author: Brian M. Schilder

¶ README updated: Dec-22-2022

echotabix: Converts genomic data files to tabix format

(including liftover, sorting, compression, and indexing steps) with a single function. Retrieves local or remote tabix VCF/tabular files with helper functions for creating queries from subsets of genomic data (e.g GWAS/QTL loci, genomic ranges). Multiple methods available at each step, including wrapper functions for an up-to-date, conda-based installation of htslib tools.

This R package is part of the echoverse suite that supports echolocatoR: an automated genomic fine-mapping pipeline.

If you use echotabix, please cite:

Brian M Schilder, Jack Humphrey, Towfique Raj (2021) echolocatoR: an automated end-to-end statistical and functional genomic fine-mapping pipeline, Bioinformatics; btab658, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab658


if(!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")




Getting started


Brian M. Schilder, Bioinformatician II
Raj Lab
Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai