RazvanBerbece / ZRD

PoW Blockchain network built in C#. Supports the ZR420 cryptocurrency. Supports decentralised storage and transaction forwarding through peer-2-peer networking.
MIT License
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bitcoin blockchain crypto cryptocurrency cyptography dotnet peer-to-peer token zrd zrd420


Local blockchain network built in C# and dotnet. Supports the ZR420 cryptocurrency and user wallets for transactions (send, receive).

Uses .net6.0 and nUnit for testing.


[IN PROGRESS] Models (Block, Transaction, Blockchain, Merkel Tree)

[IN PROGRESS] Storage Considerations & Solution

[IN PROGRESS] Nodes (Full Node, Lightweight Node, Miner Node)

[COMPLETED] Genesis Block

[COMPLETED] Minting (NOTE: this is not applicable as ZRD will use the PoW consensus mechanism. minting uses Proof of Stake)


[COMPLETED] Process Transactions (send, receive, rewards, etc.)



Continuous integration is implemented using GitHub Actions and runs dotnet build and dotnet test in a dotnet environment. This runs the test harness on all Pull Request events.

To see the CI workflow file, visit continuous-integration.yml


Releases are automatically created on push events to the main branch.

Pipeline work in progress.

To see the CD workflow file, visit continuous-deployment.yml


  1. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-a-blockchain-in-golang-from-scratch/
  2. https://levelup.gitconnected.com/learn-blockchain-by-building-it-f2f8ccc54892
  3. https://enlear.academy/merkle-tree-the-root-of-bitcoin-5a9062394fbf
  4. https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/smart-contract-with-golang-d208c92848a9
  5. https://javascript.plainenglish.io/lets-create-a-cryptocurrency-for-fun-using-javascript-42894b50e44c
  6. https://mycoralhealth.medium.com/code-your-own-blockchain-in-less-than-200-lines-of-go-e296282bcffc
  7. https://dev.to/freakcdev297/build-a-p2p-network-and-release-your-cryptocurrency-clf
  8. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/blockchain-basics-building-a-blockchain-in-net-core/
  9. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/blockchain-basic-node/
  10. https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/building-a-blockchain-in-net-core-p2p-network/
  11. https://blog.bitstamp.net/post/what-are-blockchain-nodes/