ReaperAnon / True-Unleveled-Skyrim

A dynamically generated mod to unlevel your game in a highly compatible way.
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How to Use

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The mod can be found either by searching for True Unleveled Skyrim on the patcher list or added via the .synth file found here.

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True Unleveled Skyrim

A dynamically generated mod meant to unlevel the game and provide an old school RPG feel to Skyrim, similar to a Requiem and/or Morrowloot-style experience, but while staying highly compatible and taking into account every little piece of your modlist, be that NPC overhauls, enemy overhauls, additional enemy or creature mods, new armors and weapons or perk overhauls.

What it Does

It changes Encounter Zones and sets their levels according to the supplied configuration files and the selected options. This can mean unleveling the world or simply creating a different and unique leveled world similar to the vanilla design. It's possible to have Nordic ruins with a minimum level of 10 and a maximum of 50 with a range of 30, resulting in leveled Nordic ruins from 10-40, 20-50 and everything in-between. It also makes them always adhere to their minimum and maximum defined levels without matching the player and changes the spawn level multipliers for different enemy difficulties to provide a more consistent challenge to what the Encounter Zone is supposed to offer.

It changes NPCs to never scale in level with the player (unless they are followers, by default) and to have static levels assigned to them. They also get new unique classes based on what equipment and spells they actually use and skill levels consistent with them, which in vanilla were usually laughably low. High level enemies can have their main class skills maxed out now. They also get perks distributed by default, also based on their new classes, with their main skills being prioritized the most. They also get their old perks removed, but only the perks that originate from the vanilla Skyrim data files, leaving any mod-added perks safely in place. A high level NPC who uses one handed swords and light armor will have a high one handed and light armor skill and plenty of perks in both trees, proving to be more of a challenge, but never getting perks that they are not eligible for with their current skill level, respecting the same rules the player does. Extra damage perks which just straight up boosted the damage of NPCs regardless of skill level are also disabled by default.

Leveled item lists also get rebalanced and many of them modified to not contain items that should be exceedingly rare like glass, ebony and daedric equipment. The remaining items also get changed to all appear from level 1, meaning you can find anything on enemies or in shops from the start, ranging from iron to elven or orcish equipment. Artifact lists also get this treatment by default, rendering mods that unlevel artifacts unneeded since you will only ever get the strongest variant of Chillrend or Dragonbane to begin with.

There is also an option to rebalance equipment which changes a lot of the exotic gear to be more powerful and unique, similar to how Morrowloot does it. This means that all equipment in the current load order will receive stats they would have in Morrowloot, except without the compatibility and balancing nightmare it provides while also taking all of your modded equipment into consideration. The mod takes the base stats of all rare equipment like Glass, Ebony, Daedric, etc from the supplied plugin list under the Rebalance tab in Synthesis and then goes through every item. For every item the stats are checked and a ratio is calculated based on the difference between the vanilla armor value and the modded armor value. Say someone might have an armor variant mod that adds a stronger but heavier set of ebony armor that has 10% higher armor rating and weight, the patcher applies the Morrowloot stats to the armor set and increases those stats by 10%, keeping the relative balance but within the Morrowloot vision. The patcher doesn't fix badly balanced equipment, it merely brings them up to their Morrowloot counterparts while keeping their relative (good or bad) balance with the vanilla values.

The Result

With the default settings (and the recommended mods further down in the description) the experience is largely synonymous with a mod like Requiem or Morrowloot, giving a mostly preset world that doesn't revolve around the player, with all kinds of powerful items, enemies and riches being available from the very start of the game for the most daring. The experience of course is highly customizable, possibly giving something more in-line with vanilla but still a lot more varied or something entirely different. It can be made easier, harder or somewhere in-between.

Recommended Mods

These are what I would consider a good foundation to use TUS with (at least with the default settings, otherwise it may vary). The stat rescales and small morrowloot plugins I would consider essential, personally.

How to Use

In this section I'll explain what the patcher settings do first and then how to modify and set up the config files for your own load order if the default ones don't sit well with it.

The Settings



Item Adjustments

The Configs


A list of editor IDs or editor ID snippets that if matched with a leveled item list record will have it be treated as an artifact list, meaning everything except the highest level item or items in it will be removed. Should be added to if you have a mod that adds artifacts and they don't each have their unique leveled item list or if you just want the functionality described above. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of entries comprised of single keys that are entire editor IDs or snippets and an array of forbidden keys. Any NPC whose editor ID contains one of the listed keys but none of the possible forbidden keys associated with it will be treated as a follower for the NPC unleveling. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of keys and forbidden keys, each being an editor ID or editor ID snippet. When a key matches a leveled item list's editor ID and none of the forbidden keys do, they will not have any entries removed from them but they will still be de-leveled. By default used to make sure enchanted item sublists remain whole. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of keys and forbidden keys, each being an editor ID or editor ID snippet. When a key matches an NPC's editor ID and none of the forbidden keys do, they will not be unleveled. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of keys and forbidden keys, each being an editor ID or editor ID snippet. When a key matches a perk's editor ID and none of the forbidden keys, it will be excluded from being given to NPCs. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of NPC entries, each being comprised by an array of keys, an array of forbidden keys and a level entry. When an NPC's editor ID matches one of the keys in an entry and none of the forbidden keys in it, they will be assigned the specific level in the entry. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of NPC entries, each being comprised by an array of keys, an array of forbidden keys and either a level entry or a minimum and maximum level entry. If any of a faction's editor IDs that an NPC belongs to contain one of the keys in an entry and none of the forbidden keys, that NPC will either get the flat level or a random level between the given minimum and maximum, depending on which were defined. The keys are case insensitive.


Possibly the most versatile config file, containing entries each comprised of a set of keys, a set of forbidden keys and a LevelModifierAdd and LevelModifierMult field. If the editor ID of an NPC's race contains a key from an entry but none of the forbidden keys from it, they will have their level ranges modified. If an entry for "Draugr" is listed with a LevelModifierAdd value of 10 and a LevelModifierMult value of 1.2, then every draugr will have their level increased by 20% and then get a flat boost of 10. This would make a basic level 1 draugr variant have a level of 11 and a level 20 draugr variant have a level of 34. Similarly an entry for "Dragon" with an Add value of 50 and a Mult level of 0.2 would mean a level 1 dragon variant would have a level of 50 and a level 60 dragon variant would now have a level of 62. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of entries each comprised of an array of keys, forbidden keys and a minimum level, maximum level and level range value. If an encounter zone's editor ID matches a key in one of the entries but none of the forbidden keys in it, it will get a random level between the minimum and maximum value defined with a level distance of "range" between the minimum and maximum. The keys are case insensitive.


A list of entries each comprised of an array of keys and forbidden keys and a minimum level, maximum level and level range value. If an encounter zone's location has any of the keywords listed in an entry and none of the ones in the forbidden keys array, it will get a random level between the minimum and maximum value defined with a level distance of "range" between the minimum and maximum. The keys are case insensitive.