RobTillaart / ADS1X15

Arduino library for ADS1015 = I2C 12 bit ADC and ADS1115 = I2C 16 bit ADC
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Arduino library for I2C ADC ADS1015, ADS1115, and similar.

For using I2C ADC with Raspberry pi or other SBC with Linux OS, you can check similar library here.


This library should work for the devices mentioned below, although not all sensors support all functionality.

Device Channels Resolution Max sps Comparator Interrupts ProgGainAMP Notes
ADS1013 1 12 3300 N N N
ADS1014 1 12 3300 Y Y Y
ADS1015 4 12 3300 Y Y Y
ADS1113 1 16 860 N N N
ADS1114 1 16 860 Y Y Y
ADS1115 4 16 860 Y Y Y Tested

As the ADS1015 and the ADS1115 are both 4 channels these are the most interesting from functionality point of view as these can do differential measurements.


Besides polling the ADS1x14 and ADS1x15 support interrupts to maximize throughput with minimal latency. For this these device has an ALERT/RDY pin. This pin can be used both for interrupts or polling, see table of examples below.

example Interrupts notes
ADS_1114_two_continuous.ino Y
ADS_continuous_3_channel.ino Y
ADS_continuous_4_channel.ino Y
ADS_continuous_8_channel.ino Y
ADS_continuous_differential.ino Y
ADS_high_speed_differential.ino Y
ADS_read_async_rdy.ino polling
ADS_read_RDY.ino polling

0.5.0 Breaking change

Fixed #80, setComparatorPolarity() and setComparatorLatch() as these inverted the setting.

0.4.0 Breaking change

Version 0.4.0 introduced a breaking change. You cannot set the pins in begin() any more. This reduces the dependency of processor dependent Wire / I2C implementations. The user has to call Wire.begin() and can optionally set the I2C pins before calling begin().


I2C Address

The I2C address of the ADS1113 /14 /15 is determined by to which pin the ADDR is connected to:

ADDR pin connected to Address Notes
GND 0x48 default
VDD 0x49
SDA 0x4A
SCL 0x4B

I2C multiplexing

Sometimes you need to control more devices than possible with the default address range the device provides. This is possible with an I2C multiplexer e.g. TCA9548 which creates up to eight channels (think of it as I2C subnets) which can use the complete address range of the device.

Drawback of using a multiplexer is that it takes more administration in your code e.g. which device is on which channel. This will slow down the access, which must be taken into account when deciding which devices are on which channel. Also note that switching between channels will slow down other devices too if they are behind the multiplexer.


#include "ADS1X15.h"


To initialize the library you must call a constructor as described below.

After construction the ADS.begin() must be called, typical in setup().

For example.

  #include "ADS1X15.h"

  //  initialize ADS1115 on I2C bus 1 with default address 0x48
  ADS1115 ADS(0x48);

  void setup() 
    if (!ADS.begin()) 
      //  invalid address ADS1115 or 0x48 not found
    if (!ADS.isConnected()) 
      //  address 0x48 not found

I2C clock speed

The function void setWireClock(uint32_t speed = 100000) is used to set the clock speed in Hz of the used I2C interface. Typical value is 100 KHz.

The function uint32_t getWireClock() is a prototype. It returns the value set by setWireClock(). This is not necessary the actual value. When no value is set getWireClock() returns 0. Need to implement a read / calculate from low level I2C code (e.g. TWBR on AVR), better the Arduino Wire lib should support this call (ESP32 does).

See -

Question: Should this functionality be in this library?

Programmable Gain

PGA value Max Voltage Notes
0 ±6.144V default
1 ±4.096V
2 ±2.048V
4 ±1.024V
8 ±0.512V
16 ±0.256V

The voltage factor can also be used to set HIGH and LOW threshold registers with a voltage in the comparator mode. Check the examples.

  float f = ADS.toVoltage();
  ADS.setComparatorThresholdLow( 3.0 / f );
  ADS.setComparatorThresholdHigh( 4.3 / f );

Operational mode

The ADS sensor can operate in single shot or continuous mode. Depending on how often conversions needed you can tune the mode.

Data rate

The library has no means to convert this index to the actual numbers as that would take 32 bytes.

Data rate in samples per second, based on datasheet is described on table below.

data rate ADS101x ADS111x Notes
0 128 8 slowest
1 250 16
2 490 32
3 920 64
4 1600 128 default
5 2400 250
6 3300 475
7 3300 860 fastest

ReadADC Single mode

Reading the ADC is very straightforward, the readADC() function handles all in one call. Under the hood it uses the asynchronous calls.

  //  read ADC in pin 2

  //  read ADC in pin 0 - two ways

See examples.

To read the ADC in an asynchronous way (e.g. to minimize blocking) you need call three functions:

in terms of code:

  void setup()
    //  other setup things here
    ADS.setMode(1);               //  SINGLE SHOT MODE

  void loop()
    if (ADS.isReady())
      value = ADS.getValue();
      ADS.requestADC(pin);       //  request new conversion
    //  do other things here

See examples.

ReadADC Differential

For reading the ADC in a differential way there are 4 calls possible.

  //  read differential ADC between pin 0 and 1

The differential reading of the ADC can also be done with asynchronous calls.

After one of these calls you need to call

See examples.


Since 0.3.12 the library tracks the last request mode, single pin or differential. This variable is set at the moment of request, and keeps its value until a new request is made. This implies that the value / request can be quite old.

Values >= 0x10 are differential, values < 0x10 are single pin.

Value Description Notes
0xFF no (invalid) request made after call constructor.
0x00 single pin 0
0x01 single pin 1
0x02 single pin 2
0x03 single pin 3
0x10 differential pin 1 0
0x30 differential pin 3 0
0x31 differential pin 3 1
0x32 differential pin 3 2

Please note that (for now) the function does not support a descriptive return value for the following two requests:

As these are emulated in software by two single pin calls, the state would be one of the two single pin values.

ReadADC continuous mode

To use the continuous mode you need call three functions:

  void setup() 
    //  configuration things here
    ADS.requestADC(0);              //  request on pin 0

  void loop()
    value = ADS.getValue()

See examples . By using bool isBusy() or bool isReady() one can wait until new data is available. Note this only works in the SINGLE_SHOT modus.

In continuous mode, you can't use isBusy() or isReady() functions to wait until new data available. Instead you can configure the threshold registers to allow the ALERT/RDY pin to trigger an interrupt signal when conversion data ready.

Switching mode or channel during continuous mode

When switching the operating mode or the ADC channel in continuous mode, be aware that the device will always finish the running conversion. This implies that after switching the mode or channel the first sample you get is probably the last sample with the previous settings, e.g. channel. This might be a problem for your project as this value can be in an "unexpected" range (outlier).

The robust way to change mode or channel therefore seems to be:

  1. stop continuous mode,
  2. wait for running conversion to be ready,
  3. reject the last conversion or process it "under old settings",
  4. change the settings,
  5. restart (continuous mode) with the new settings.

This explicit stop takes extra time, however it should prevent "incorrect" readings.

(need to be verified with different models)

Threshold registers

(datasheet 9.3.8)
_Conversion Ready Pin (ADS1114 and ADS1115 Only) The ALERT/RDY pin can also be configured as a conversion ready pin. Set the most-significant bit of the Hi_thresh register to 1 and the most-significant bit of Lothresh register to 0 to enable the pin as a conversion ready pin.

If the thresholdHigh is set to 0x8000 and the thresholdLow to 0x0000 the ALERT/RDY pin is triggered when a conversion is ready.

See examples.


Please read Page 15 of the datasheet as the behaviour of the comparator is not trivial.

NOTE: all comparator settings are copied to the device only after calling readADC() or requestADC() functions.

Comparator Mode

When configured as a TRADITIONAL comparator, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts (active low by default) when conversion data exceed the limit set in the high threshold register. The comparator then de-asserts when the input signal falls below the low threshold register value.

If the comparator LATCH is set, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts and it will be reset after reading the sensor (conversion register) again. An SMB alert command (00011001) on the I2C bus will also reset the alert state. Not implemented in the library (yet)

In WINDOW comparator mode, the ALERT/RDY pin asserts if conversion data exceeds the high threshold register or falls below the low threshold register. In this mode the alert is held if the LATCH is set. This is similar as above.


Default state of the ALERT/RDY pin is LOW, which can be to set HIGH.

From tests (see #76) it became clear that the behaviour of the ALERT/RDY pin looks ambiguous. Further investigation eventually showed that the behaviour is logical but one should not think in "pulses", more in levels and edges.

In the continuous mode it looks like an 8us pulse, however this "pulse" is actual a short time (8 us) of IDLE followed by a long time pulse of converting.

In the single shot mode it looks like the converting time is the pulse as that is the only single change visible. This is IMHO the correct view.


0 = continuous 0 = LOW HIGH FALLING LOW RISING

See issue #76 for some screenshots.

Converting time by Data Rate

data rate convert time Notes
0 125 ms
1 62 ms
2 32 ms
3 16 ms
4 8 ms default, see in table above.
5 4.4 ms
6 2.4 ms
7 1.2 ms

Times are estimates from scope.


In short:

This interpretation is in line with all tests done in #76.


Holds the ALERT/RDY to HIGH (or LOW depending on polarity) after triggered even if actual value has been 'restored to normal' value.

The (no-)latch is not verified in detail yet.


Set the number of conversions before trigger activates.

The void setComparatorQueConvert(uint8_t mode) is used to set the number of conversions that exceed the threshold before the ALERT/RDY pin is set HIGH. A value of 3 (or above) effectively disables the comparator. See table below.

See examples.

value meaning Notes
0 trigger alert after 1 conversion
1 trigger alert after 2 conversions
2 trigger alert after 4 conversions
3 Disable comparator default
other Disable comparator

To enable the conversion-ready function of the ALERT/RDY pin, it is necessary to set the MSB of the Hi_threshold register to 1 (value 0x8000) and the MSB of the Lo_threshold register to 0. See section Threshold registers above.

Threshold registers comparator mode

Depending on the comparator mode TRADITIONAL or WINDOW the thresholds registers mean something different see - Comparator Mode above or datasheet.

Error codes

This section has to be elaborated.

Some functions return or set an error value. This is read and reset by getError()

Value Define Description
0 ADS1X15_OK idem.
-100 ADS1X15_INVALID_VOLTAGE getMaxVoltage()
-101 ADS1X15_ERROR_TIMEOUT readADC() device did not respond in time.
-102 ADS1X15_ERROR_I2C I2C communication failure.

Future ideas & improvements




Wont (unless requested)


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