RoboJackets / constitution

The constitution for RoboJackets
The Unlicense
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constitution latex

RoboJackets Constitution

The most recent revision of the RoboJackets constitution is available as PDF and autogenerated GH Markdown. Some of the LaTeX macros can't be elaborated into Markdown, so only use that if your browser can't render PDF.

License: Unlicense


The LaTeX and build dependencies are about 250M. The install script intentionally does a min install that should support most command line LaTeX operations and common libraries.



Use you favorite editor to modify the relevant file in the src/ directory.


To compile the constitution run:

make pdf

To compile a diff of the current tree to a previous ref, run:

make diff GIT_COMMIT_REF=<git ref>

The ref has a default value of master if unprovided as an argument.


To view the document, run:

make view

To view the diff, run:

make view-diff GIT_COMMIT_REF=<git ref>


To publish to the repo as PDF and GH Markdown, run:

make pub


Please sign and tag releases according to the following policy:


A draft is any revision that has not passed a vote by the membership.

git tag -s -a draft-<year><baseline/topic>.<revision ct>

For example, a draft for adding an amendment might look like

git tag -s -a draft-2017amendment.0


A ratified draft should be tagged with:

git tag -s -a <year>ratified.<revision>