RoboJackets / igvc-software

The code base for the RoboNav team's IGVC robot.
MIT License
91 stars 120 forks source link
computer-vision cpp igvc opencv pathfinding robotics ros

RoboJackets IGVC Build Status

Welcome to the RoboJackets IGVC software repo! This document will give you a brief description of the repo's layout and an overview of the repo. For more detailed information, check out the github wiki or the RoboJackets wiki.

Software Lead

Folder Structure

The repo is comprised of multiple ROS packages and one sandbox folder for miscellaneous resources.

Building Code

For an installation guide for ROS, check out the installation guide on the RoboJackets wiki.

  1. Clone the repository (with the git submodules) into the src directory of a catkin workspace:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd igvc-software
  3. Use catkin_make in the workspace to build all the packages:

  4. Make sure the devel/setup.bash is sourced before using any of the nodes in this package:

    source devel/setup.bash

Common Errors

Running Gazebo

You can get started with the IGVC code base right away by launching our simulator!

Load up Swervi: The following command will load our platform into a simulated IGVC qualifications course:

roslaunch igvc_gazebo qualification.launch

Navigate the course: After launching the gazebo simulation, launch the navigation stack for simulation:

roslaunch igvc_navigation navigation_simulation.launch

Alternatively, you can control the robot manually with a USB gamepad with this command:

roslaunch igvc_platform joystick_driver.launch

Past Iterations

To view the software repository for our past differential drive robot, Jessiii, checkout the jessiii-dev branch.


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