Ryandev / NetStatus

Internet speed & offline status monitor. Upload, download, ping, latency dashboard display
MIT License
99 stars 7 forks source link
inversifyjs react react-router typescript


NetStatus is designed as an always-on dashboard WebUI to track internet connectivity It will periodically recheck its connection & provide a live view of status, online or off. speed up/down & latency

Live: http://netstatus.ryanpowell.dev

This project was intended for use with Raspberry Pi + 3.5" LCD display, however it supports multiple devices, aspect-ratios Raspberry PI screenshot Device setup instructions for Raspberry PI, (flasing image, package installs, autostart setup) RPI



Everything ok

Dashboard status ok

No network connection found/lost

Dashboard offline

Latency/Upload error status & download warning status

Dashboard status slow

Bottom row: left is the time elapsed since the last speed test. Right is your public IP address

When the WiFi icon is showing, a new speed-test is underway, display will be updated once all results are in



  1. Load url https://netstatus.ryanpowell.dev in Browser
  2. Build project & serve static files (Download project, run npm run build & serve contents from ./build)
  3. Deploy locally with Docker below & open http://localhost:80
  4. Deploy with balena (more details below)

Docker Deployment

Run below (supports amd64, arm64 & arv7, aka PC, Pi4, Pi3) sudo docker run --name netspeed -d --restart=always -p 80:80 ryandev/netspeed

Docker Configurables

Name Description Environment name Value units Default value
Frequency of ping checks How frequently to fetch a favicon to check if the network is there. This is needed as navigator.isOnline implmentation varies across browsers REACT_APP_PINGINTERVAL Seconds 15
Which websites to check connectivity with Used with the above parameter, a random website from this list is pulled and the favicon is fetched from. To override this value please set as a JSON array REACT_APP_PINGWEBSITES N/A See config/ping.ts
Speed test interval How frequently to check network speed (latency, jitter, upload & download speed) REACT_APP_TESTINTERVAL Seconds 300
Speed test servers List of speed test servers to use to test speed against. Configuration is passed to Librespeed, for more info see the config or Librespeed/speedtest website REACT_APP_SERVERCONFIGURATIONS N/A See config/speedtest.ts
Upload warning threshold Threshold at which the color of the upload status will be shown as a warning. Example: if after a speed test the upload speed is less than REACT_APP_UPLOADWARN then display as warning REACT_APP_UPLOADWARN Mbit/s 4
Upload error threshold Same as above except for displaying as error status REACT_APP_UPLOADERROR Mbit/s 1
Download warning theshold REACT_APP_DOWNLOADWARN Mbit/s 8
Download error threshold REACT_APP_DOWNLOADERROR Mbit/s 1
Latency warning threshold REACT_APP_LATENCYWARN ms 40
Latency error threshold REACT_APP_LATENCYERROR ms 100
Jitter warning threshold REACT_APP_JITTERWARN ms 50
Jitter error threshold REACT_APP_JITTERERROR ms 100

All configurables can be found under src/config/*.ts

Docker Deployment Example

Set speed test interval to 10mins, ping checks every 1min, & latency warn threshold to 20ms

sudo docker run --name netspeed -d --restart=always -p 80:80 --env REACT_APP_TESTINTERVAL=600 --env REACT_APP_PINGINTERVAL=60 --env REACT_APP_LATENCYWARN=20 ryandev/netspeed:arm64

Balena Deployment Example

You can use balenaCloud to deploy this project to Raspberry Pis and other single board computers in just a few clicks, avoiding the need to manually configure any software packages.

or, manually:

