Seifert69 / DikuMUD3

DikuMUD III using HTML and websockets.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
192 stars 48 forks source link
mud mud-client mud-engine mud-game-server mud-server


DikuMUD III using HTML, websockets and live Discord integrated.

D-Day June 21, 2020

Look at the end of this file if you want to contribute.

Join us on Discord (live integrated):

Documentation goes here:

The Wiki docs are sync'ed into this GitHUB repo daily. Many thanks to @Damien Davison.



How to build & launch (using the new cmake)

1) First build the binaries:

    See [CMake](* for more details.

   cd DikuMUD3/
   cmake .
   make all -j8 # -j8 to compile on 8 threads in parallel
   make test # optionally run the unit tests

Code documentation will be generated in docs/ after the build completes. docs/index.html

4) Now you're ready to launch, open four tabs in shell:

   cd ../bin/
   ./vme # tab1
   tail -f vme.log # tab2
   ./mplex -w -p 4280 # tab3
   tail -f mplex.log #tab4

You can also launch a telnet mplex using e.g. mplex -p 4242 And then telnet localhost 4242. You can run several mplex'ers to the server, some supporting telnet some support web sockets.

5) To open the client

   cd ../www/client/
   firefox index.html

Set the host to your fqdn or localhost and set the port to match mplex (4280 if you used that) And you'll see the welcome screen in Firefox.

6) Connect with a player named 'Papi' to create your first god character. This value is configurable in vme/etc/server.cfg

Get in touch if you'd like to contribute. Drop a mail to seifert at Contribution can be anything from world building, to creating tables in excel, to coding.

Docker build/run/test


Build the docker image (building the mud from source in the process)

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t dikumud3

Run the mud in a new container, binding the port to localhost

docker run -d -p 4280:4280 -p 80:80 dikumud3

Then you can point a webbrowser at http://localhost - and connect to the MUD. If you have a be server running already, try -p 8080:80 instead and connect to http://localhost:8080

Persist data between builds/instances

Create a volume to store mud data

docker volume create muddata

Mount the volume when you start a container instance

docker run -d -p 4280:4280 -p 80:80 -v muddata:/dikumud3/vme/lib -v dikumud3

Create a bash shell into the container then so you can rebuild/restart vme mplex etc

docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=dikumud3) bash

Stop container

docker stop $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=dikumud3)

Docker Example Workflow

Note running docker in the foreground (without the -d switch)

  1. Create volume to persist mud data: docker volume create muddata
  2. Build the container: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t dikumud3
  3. Run the container: docker run -d -p 4280:4280 -p 80:80 -v muddata:/dikumud3/vme/lib -v dikumud3
  4. Visit http://localhost
  5. Create "Papi" user or other
  6. Enter MUD and save user
  7. Exit MUD
  8. Make code changes
  9. Build locally (can be skipped)
  10. Stop container: CTRL-C or docker stop $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=dikumud3)
  11. Rebuild container: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t dikumud3
  12. Run the container: docker run -d -p 4280:4280 -p 80:80 -v muddata:/dikumud3/vme/lib -v dikumud3
  13. Visit http://localhost
  14. Oh no - it coredumped with my change (ノ`Д´)ノ
  15. Start shell in container: docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=dikumud3) bash
  16. (in container) run vme in debug cd /dikumud3/vme/bin; gdb vme
  17. etc


If the above gives an error like below, it may be because your distro sets DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST. This stops docker from executing images that have not been digitally signed by the creator. You can disable the check by setting the env to zero.

[user@localhost]$ docker run -d -p 4280:4280 dikumud3
docker: you are not authorized to perform this operation: server returned 401.
See 'docker run --help'.
[user@localhost]$ env | grep DOCKER
[user@localhost]$ DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=0 docker run -d -p 4280:4280 dikumud3