SimformSolutionsPvtLtd / audio_waveforms

Use this plugin to generate waveforms while recording audio in any file formats supported by given encoders or from audio files. We can use gestures to scroll through the waveforms or seek to any position while playing audio and also style waveforms
MIT License
260 stars 130 forks source link
audio audio-player audiowaveform audiowaves dart flutter flutter-package flutter-plugin flutter-widget ios

Audio Waveforms - Simform LLC.

Audio Waveforms

Use this plugin to generate waveforms while recording audio in any file formats supported by given encoders or from audio files. We can use gestures to scroll through the waveforms or seek to any position while playing audio and also style waveforms.


Check migration guide to migrate from 0.1.5+1 to 1.0.0


Platform specific configuration


Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle file.

minSdkVersion 21

Add RECORD_AUDIO permission in AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />


Add this two rows in ios/Runner/Info.plist

<string>This app requires Mic permission.</string>

This plugin requires ios 10.0 or higher. So add this line in Podfile

platform :ios, '12.0'


  1. Add dependency to pubspec.yaml
    audio_waveforms: <latest-version>

Get the latest version in the 'Installing' tab on

  1. Import the package.
    import 'package:audio_waveforms/audio_waveforms.dart';


  1. Recording audio

    RecorderController controller = RecorderController();      // Initialise
    await controller.record(path: 'path');                     // Record (path is optional)
    final hasPermission = await controller.checkPermission();  // Check mic permission (also called during record)
    await controller.pause();                                  // Pause recording
    final path = await controller.stop();                      // Stop recording and get the path
    controller.refresh();                                      // Refresh waveform to original position
    controller.dispose();                                      // Dispose controller
  2. Use AudioWaveforms widget in widget tree

    size: Size(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, 200.0),
    recorderController: controller,
    enableGesture: true,
    waveStyle: WaveStyle(
    color: Colors.white,
    showDurationLabel: true,
    spacing: 8.0,
    showBottom: false,
    extendWaveform: true,
    showMiddleLine: false,
    gradient: ui.Gradient.linear(
      const Offset(70, 50),
      Offset(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 2, 0),

    Advance usage

    controller.updateFrequency = const Duration(milliseconds: 100);  // Update speed of new wave
    controller.androidEncoder = AndroidEncoder.aac;                  // Changing android encoder 
    controller.androidOutputFormat = AndroidOutputFormat.mpeg4;      // Changing android output format
    controller.iosEncoder = IosEncoder.kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC;         // Changing ios encoder
    controller.sampleRate = 44100;                                   // Updating sample rate
    controller.bitRate = null;                                       // Updating bitrate
    controller.onRecorderStateChanged.listen((state){});             // Listening to recorder state changes
    controller.onCurrentDuration.listen((duration){});               // Listening to current duration updates
    controller.onRecordingEnded.listen((duration));                  // Listening to audio file duration
    controller.recordedDuration;                                     // Get recorded audio duration 
    controller.elapsedDuration;                                      // Get currently recorded audio duration
    controller.currentScrolledDuration;                              // Current duration position notifier
    controller.overrideAudioSession = true                           // Use default AudioSession config or not 



PlayerController controller = PlayerController();                   // Initialise
// Extract waveform data
final waveformData = await controller.extractWaveformData(
    path: 'path',
    noOfSamples: 100,
// Or directly extract from preparePlayer and initialise audio player
await controller.preparePlayer(
    path: 'path',
    shouldExtractWaveform: true,
    noOfSamples: 100,
    volume: 1.0,
await controller.startPlayer(finishMode: FinishMode.stop);          // Start audio player
await controller.pausePlayer();                                     // Pause audio player
await controller.stopPlayer();                                      // Stop audio player
await controller.setVolume(1.0);                                    // Set volume level
await controller.seekTo(5000);                                      // Seek audio
await controller.setRate(1.0);                                      // Update speed audio playback
final duration = await controller.getDuration(DurationType.max);    // Get duration of audio player
controller.updateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.low;                   // Update reporting rate of current duration.
controller.onPlayerStateChanged.listen((state) {});                 // Listening to player state changes
controller.onCurrentDurationChanged.listen((duration) {});          // Listening to current duration changes
controller.onCurrentExtractedWaveformData.listen((data) {});        // Listening to latest extraction data
controller.onExtractionProgress.listen((progress) {});              // Listening to extraction progress
controller.onCompletion.listen((_){});                              // Listening to audio completion
controller.stopAllPlayer();                                         // Stop all registered audio players
controller.dispose();                                               // Dispose controller

Use AudioFileWaveforms widget in widget tree

 size: Size(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, 100.0),
 playerController: controller,
 enableSeekGesture: true,
 waveformType: WaveformType.long,
 waveformData: [],
 playerWaveStyle: const PlayerWaveStyle(
      fixedWaveColor: Colors.white54,
      liveWaveColor: Colors.blueAccent,
      spacing: 6,

Main Contributors

Ujas Majithiya

Devarsh Ranpara