SpectoLabs / hoverfly-java

Java binding for Hoverfly
Apache License 2.0
168 stars 58 forks source link
api-simulation hoverfly http https java mocking proxy service-virtualization stubbing testing testing-tools

== Hoverfly Java - Easy Creation of Stub Http Servers for Testing

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A Java native language binding for http://hoverfly.io/[Hoverfly^], a Go proxy which allows you to simulate http services in your unit tests. Another term for this is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_virtualization[Service Virtualisation^].

== Features

== Documentation

Full documentation is available http://hoverfly-java.readthedocs.io/[here^]

== Maven Dependency


== Example === Create API simulation using capture mode

// Capture and output HTTP traffic to json file
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inCaptureMode("simulation.json");

// After the capturing, switch to inSimulationMode to spin up a stub server
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(defaultPath("simulation.json"));

// Or you can use both approaches at once. If json file not present in capture mode, if present in simulation mode
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inCaptureOrSimulationMode("simulation.json");

=== Create API simulation using DSL

public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(dsl(

public void shouldBeAbleToGetABookingUsingHoverfly() {
    // When
    final ResponseEntity<String> getBookingResponse = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://www.my-test.com/api/bookings/1", String.class);

    // Then
    assertEquals(bookFlightResponse.getStatusCode(), CREATED);
    assertEquals(bookFlightResponse.getHeaders().getLocation(), "http://localhost/api/bookings/1");

Some code examples for the DSL are available https://github.com/SpectoLabs/hoverfly-java/blob/master/src/test/java/io/specto/hoverfly/ruletest/HoverflyDslTest.java[here^].

More code examples for the DSL using request matchers can be found https://github.com/SpectoLabs/hoverfly-java/blob/master/src/test/java/io/specto/hoverfly/ruletest/HoverflyDslMatcherTest.java[here^].

=== Verify requests

// Verify that at least one request to a specific endpoint with any query params
hoverflyRule.verify(service(matches("*.flight.*")).get("/api/bookings").anyQueryParams(), atLeastOnce());

// Verify that an external service/dependency was not called

// Verify all the stubbed requests were made at least once

== Contributions

Contributions are welcome!

To submit a pull request you should fork the Hoverfly-Java repository, and make your change on a feature branch of your fork.

As of v0.10.2, hoverfly binaries are no longer stored in the repository. You should run ./gradlew clean test once to cache the binaries for development with your IDE.

If you have forked this project prior to v0.10.2, please re-fork to get a slimmer version of the repository.

== Issues

Feel free to raise an issues on Github.

== License

Apache License version 2.0.

(c) https://ioco.uk/[iOCO^] 2024.