Stoeoeoe / godot_data_editor

A data editor plugin for the Godot game engine
MIT License
46 stars 12 forks source link
gdscript godot godot-engine plugin


This plugin was written for Godot 2.1.4 and is not compatible with Godot 3.x. Work on a port which will cover many features such as typing, proper handling of singleton etc. is in progress. Feel free to use the old version in your project.

Godot Data Editor

This repository hosts a plugin for the Godot Engine. It allows users to enter data items based on Godot classes which are then serialized in either as json or binaries. Serialized items may be encrypted if desired.



editor_screenshot class_screenshot data_access



You can also download the addon in the Asset Lib, make sure to exclude the "demo" folder though :)

System Requirements

The plugin was written for version 2.1.3 of the Godot Engine. Upcoming minor versions should be supported as well. It is very likely that a number of changes will be necessary, once Godot 3 is released.

API / Demo

There is a demo project available which shows how the plugin could be used in practice. Clone the repository and open the engine.cfg in the "demo" directory.

Working with data is rather simple, use the provided data class to access items. The following code snippets demonstrates item retrieval as well as the observation feature:

extends Node

func _ready():
    # Get a single item
    var herb = data.get_item("shop_item", "herb")
    var price = herb.price

    # Get all items as dictionary (key: id, value: item)
    var shop_items = data.get_items("shop_item")
    for shop_item in shop_items.values():

    # Observe Properties:
    # Please note that you currently have to update properties using the "update_property" to make use of this feature

    # Be notified when something about this herb changes
    data.observe_item(self, herb, "herb_changed")
    herb.update_property("name", "better_herb")

    # Be notified when the price of this herb changes, 
    data.observe_item_property(self, herb, "price", "herb_price_changed")
    herb.update_property("price", 500)  

    # Be notified when any item changes
    var doge_axe = data.get_item("shop_item", "doge_axe")
    data.observe_class(self, "shop_item", "shop_item_changed")
    doge_axe.update_property("price", 500)  

    # Overkill: be notified about everything
    data.observe_all_changes(self, "something_changed")

    # Stop Observing:
    # When you are no longer interested in updates, simply unsubscribe/stop observing
    data.stop_observing_item_property(self, herb, "price")
    data.stop_observing_item(self, herb)
    data.stop_observing_class(self, "shop_item")

func herb_changed(item, property, value):
    print("Something about this herb changed!")

func herb_price_changed(item, property, value):
    print("Herb price changed!")

func shop_item_changed(item, property, value):
    print( + " changed! " + property + " : " + str(value))

func something_changed(item, property, value):
    print("I guess something changed.")

Please Contribute!

Please feel free to contribute. Unfortunately, the code base still is not documented that well and there are a number of bugs which will need to be ironed out. I am sure that there are many things I have been doing wrong, especially in regard to memory management.

Known Issues

Please post any issues you encounter.

HALP! Something went wrong!

Stay calm, most issues can be resolved by either pressing the "Reload" button or deactivating and activating the plugin. If the problem persists, there may be an issue with your data. Check if the name of the class (which are stored in the "classes" folder by default) is the same as the folder name of your instances (by default called "data"). If this is the case, there might be a conflict with duplicate IDs or the like. Please post an issue here if this happened without any external influence (e.g. you edited the files manually in another editor).