Sujal-2820 / Stopwatch

Code files for stopwatch interface for Hacktoberfest
MIT License
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      StopWatch ⚡

A Web Project for new contributors

🚩 License

MIT License

🫥 Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

👀 Hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest 2023

✌🏻 Contribute

1 Visit

2 Create Issues

3 Create Pull Request

4 Star The Repository

🌱 Technology



3 JavaScript

4 React

⭐ Star

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🎯 Hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source projects, the maintainers, and the entire community of contributors.
You'll receive your digital reward once you’ve completed four accepted pull/merge requests. 
The first 50,000 participants to have their first PR/MR accepted will have a tree planted in their name through Tree Nation.

🤔 Participation

1 Fork the repo

2 Make your changes

3 Create your branch

4 Submit the pull request

5 Wait for the merge

✒️ Author

@ Sujal Soni