Sunder allows you to quickly build websites and APIs in a modern async structure on Cloudflare Workers. Think of Sunder as Express or Koa for serverless.
Sunder is
The easiest way to get started with Sunder on Cloudflare Workers is to use the template project.
npm i --save sunder
# or
yarn add sunder
Read the documentation here to get started.
import {Sunder, Router, Context} from "sunder";
const app = new Sunder();
const router = new Router();
// Example route with a named parameter
router.get("/hello/:username", ({response, params}) => {
response.body = `Hello ${params.username}`;
export default {
fetch(request, ctx, env) {
return app.fetch(request, ctx, env);
The Sunder framework was inspired by Elixir's plug, Node's Koa framework, tiny-request-router and cfworker's web package.
Sunder is only a few hundred lines of code. It has little magic and doesn't impose too much structure.