LuaHelper is a High-performance lua plugin, Language Server Protocol for lua.
Lua is very popular in game development because of its simple syntax and flexible use. However, its ecology is not perfect, and IDE tools and support are few, which affects Lua's development efficiency and quality. LuaHelper complies with Microsoft Language Server Protocol and is a cross-platform Lua code editing and testing tool developed in go language. Compared with other Lua plugins currently on the market, it has the following improvements:
Lua因其语法简单、使用灵活,在游戏开发中十分流行。但其生态并不完善,IDE开发工具及配套支持较少,一定程度上影响了Lua的开发效率及质量。LuaHelper遵从微软Language Server Protocol协议,是采用go语言开发的一种跨平台Lua代码编辑及检测工具。
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调试功能集成了腾讯开源LuaPanda的调试组件,采用了Debug Adapter Protocol调试协议。debugger主体使用lua语言开发,调试程序只要引入LuaPanda.lua文件,即可方便开启调试功能。
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luago-books, Go language generates Lua's AST, modified the source code (adding column attributes to each node of the AST, and also optimizing performance).
LuaFormatter, Lua code formatting library written in c++, with high performance.
LuaPanda, Integrating the debugging components of LuaPanda, LuaPanda author stuartwang also provided us with a lot of help.
luago-books, go语言生成lua的AST,修改了源码(对AST的每个节点增加了列的属性,同时也优化了性能)。
LuaFormatter, c++写的Lua代码格式化库,性能较高。
EmmyLua, 作者阿唐对我们整个插件的实现提供很多帮助和建议。
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